A day in Kowloon

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July 17th 2014
Published: July 17th 2014
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Today was certainly a day to remember. It started off heading in to the city to get some suits made. I got referred to a suit maker by a friend of a co-worker and I am glad I had a plan. As I arrived in the Tsim Sha Tsui district a little over an hour after I left my hotel room. I took a local bus to Sunny Bay MTR station, grabbed the Tung Chung line in to Hong Kong and then transferred to the Tsuen Wan line to get down to Tsim Sha Tsui. I had a few block walk from there and was asked no fewer than 5 times if I wanted to have a suit made. They could all somehow see what I was there for. I held to my plan and arrived to see Rick at Nita Fashions. I commissioned Rick for two suits, one gray and one brown and tan with three shirts and two ties for $500. I go back on Tuesday for a initial fitting and then I can pick them up on Thursday. I think it's kinda cool!

So about 30 minutes later I was off to take a tour of some temples, gardens, and the market district of Kowloon. Back onto the Tsuen Wan line and then transferring to the Kwung Tong line I was off to start my tour. I started off at the Nan Lian Garden and the Chi Lin Nunnery. Cameras were allowed in the garden, but not in the nunnery which is too bad as the nunnery was nothing short of amazing. The garden was great too, but the statues and temples in the Nunnery were fantastic. There are quite a few pics here of the garden which also housed the Chinese Timber Architecture Gallery where there were small replicas of large temples built between 550 and 1200 AD. Let me clarify that the models were built at this time, not the temples and of course I couldn't take pictures of those either. I'm ok with not taking some of the pictures, some of this stuff is best left to the naked eye.

After the Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden I headed over to the neighborhood of Sik Sik Yuen and the Wong Tai Sin Temple. This temple is home to Taoism, buddhism, and Confuciansim and is the most popular temple in Hong Kong it has a reputation to be able to make every wish come true upon request. The place was pretty cool, a bit crowded but very pretty. It was so hot today that I think my shirt was literally dripping down the back! I stopped to by some sort of drink that was pretty good, but I'm not entirely sure what it was.

Hau Wong temple and Kowloon City Park were next and it was beginning to get cloudy and rainy. I was super hungry and I was honestly not sure what additional pictures I could take of yet another cool temple so I just put the camera away for those two sites.

I finished this part of my day at the Kowloon City food district and it certainly did not disappoint. I walked a few streets, very nervous to try anything as I was not sure how I would make it back to the hotel if duty called and Hong Kong is notorious for not having many public bathrooms. The markets sold anything and I mean ANYTHING that could possibly be eaten. Bags of live frogs, turtles and any kind of seafood were available. Meet was being chopped
Suit FabricSuit FabricSuit Fabric

The one on the left, Gray will be a full suit of that color. The tan on the right is going to be pants and the one in the middle will be a jacket.
on the side of the street and hung up, chickens were squawking away as their heads were chopped off and dunked into boiling water to get the feathers off, then chopped up into pieces and cooked. Down here, in this district, there is nothing written in English and most people don't speak more than a couple words. I had a very tough time with lunch as I wanted some Pho and found a Pho restaurant but couldn't read anything on the menu. I ordered the Pho that had the least amount of Chinese characters and then thought I had ordered a yummy looking chicken side dish, but I ended up with spring rolls. I headed back after lunch in a pretty but annoying downpour. It took me another hour and a few mins to get back to the hotel.

Additional photos below
Photos: 47, Displayed: 24


Pavilion BridgePavilion Bridge
Pavilion Bridge

At Nan Lian Garden
Entrance to Chi Lin Nunnery Entrance to Chi Lin Nunnery
Entrance to Chi Lin Nunnery

This is about as close as I could get with a camera
Entrance to Chi Lin NunneryEntrance to Chi Lin Nunnery
Entrance to Chi Lin Nunnery

This time I put the bigger lens on

17th July 2014

Bizarre Foods with Ian Young
OMG!! Again, I can't stop smiling for you. Wish I could be there with you for all your food adventures. If you could describe the food like Andrew Zimmern, that would be great too. Love you!!
17th July 2014

I don't quite have the guts at this point to eat anything too crazy. I did see a place yesterday that was selling rotten duck and quail eggs. They were really very pretty, but I was to afraid to try it being so far from my hotel. I will get there soon I'm sure.
18th July 2014

Ian, you are a great reporter and a good photographer. I still have a suit coat with a silk brocade lining and my name embroidered in the lining I got there in 1962. I can't get in it but can't bear to part with it.
18th July 2014

Feels like I'm there too
Thanks for the blog updates Ian. Would be cool to explore down there with you too. Never had a suit but would definitely pick one or 4 while I was there. Thanks for the great photos.
21st July 2014

Thank you for sharing the Temple photos! They're beautiful! :-) It looks like you have your pick of gorgeous fresh fruits! I'm not so sure about the frogs and turtles. lol Enjoy!
22nd July 2014

Ian, these pictures and your blog are amazing! I'm so glad that you are embracing your trip, and documenting it so well! What a great gift to your CA and your kids! Have an amazing time! xo Vic

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