Here we go!

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June 21st 2014
Published: June 25th 2014
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Ebbsfleet 10.30am June 21 2014

So this it! All the preparation has to have been done as there is no going back now. I worked intensely to 5pm on Friday to get everything finished. I felt I closed what I had to. That said I can not help feeling that I will look back and say why did I bother. I was still wrapped up in that work environment of getting things done and now that it is all left behind. It does feel like decompression. You know something is happening to your brain you are just not sure what.

It is a beautiful day to go travelling! There is not a cloud in the sky and have had breakfast al fresco. Paul has taken the 'before' shots. It is quite clear our packs are too heavy. We tried to be ruthless when packing up the house and yet we have left a lot of what we think is important to keep in storage and at the house. We still need to de-materialise.

People have asked if I am excited. Actually I feel quite nervous. I am not sure why because the first part of our trip through Northern and Eastern Europe is a soft landing. When I think about it is probably good that I feel a bit nervous. It underlines that it was time for a change and I think back to the phrase highlighted recently by a member of the UK Sailing team - 'if you ambitions done make you nervous then they are not big enough'.

Here comes the train. See ya!g


26th June 2014

Bon Voyage
How are the feet holding up so far? Looking forward to a vicarious adventure with you guys.
28th June 2014

thinking of you from sunny Cyprus
Nick and I are thinking of you both from a gloriously sunny Cyprus. Jem this would probably be your holiday nightmare but for us, for 2 weeks, it is pure bliss! Lol... take care and have fun xx

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