6,000 chicken wings please!

Published: August 24th 2006
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First beers!First beers!First beers!

AO and I at an Irish pub in Brugge. It's our first beer of the trip, and it was wonderful. I'm drinking a Belsh beer, Brusses Zot, something about the Belsh being crazy, and AO has Duvel... ummm Duvel...
Hey friends, I didn’t get lost, just been busy and with little internet connection. Where to start, where to start. Well, we had no problems with flights or luggage, so that was a relief. Annette picked us up at the airport and then the next day we (AO and I, with chauffer Pascal and friend Zahree) left for Brugge Belgium. We had lots-o-fun there, including going up a belfry tower, visiting a brewery (with free beer at the end of course), playing Frisbee in a park while the boys played sticks, eating kebabs- our new favorite Turkish food, and exploring our hostel, Charlie Rockets. We went to the coast one day and had fun looking at the water and all the weird Belsh public art. Driving back to lux was an experience because Pascal got lost and we ended up in Brussles and almost got squished by two big vans. AO and I just laughed. We spent some time with Annette in Luxemburg, and it was wonderful. Quality time was spent chilling in Wiltz, eating TONS of super food like homemade pizza and crepes for bfast. We got too see the Vianden castle lit up at night and it’s gorgeous.
Pascal loves mapsPascal loves mapsPascal loves maps

the boys had no idea where we were going in Brugge, even though it was their job to get directions. so after asking a nice Belsh (he must have been Dutch) they found a map. Pascal was our navigator the rest of the trip.
On our way to Heidelberg early on Monday morning, we got on trains and buses without problems, other than giggling in every stop that we had to haul our huge bags around in. We had stairs at every stop, and the bags are heavy and cumbersome to get up steps. We probably looked pretty funny. I called my supervisor when we got into a town that is very close to H-berg, and told her we were there. After 2 hours of AO and I sitting outside the train station and playing travel scrabble, I went back in to check, and she had sent someone to pick us up at the Hberg train station instead. I was pretty mad, considering we then had to figure out how to get to H-berg, and yea. We got in too late to start getting our passes and stuff, so Tuesday was 6 hours of army paperwork, And the army is so efficient…. No.
We are living in a 4-bedroom apartment with a girl from Washington and one from Michigan. They are both very nice and I think we will get along well. We are talking of trips and such, so it should be

Frist drinks, AO has whiskey cause she's hard core, and beer of course.
good! The apartments are way nicer than I expected, and even having to pay a little for them doesn’t seem so bad now. We are all close enough to walk to school, and busses and the strass will take us basically wherever we want to go. AO and I plan on exploring them this weekend, to get to know H-berg a little bit, and see the castle and downtown.
I started school today, and let me tell you it was a long day. We had a 3 hour long meeting this morning, which was a lot of sitting and info. There is a new principal at my school (Patrick Henry Elementary School if you didn’t know) and she had lots to say. The school is huge, 1100 kids. I am in the 1st grade, and there are 6 other 1st grades right now, and maybe one more coming. My teacher is super. She’s very nice and welcoming. We are still a little unorganized, but it’s still early. I already have a job, it’s a big wall bulletin board, so maybe those two years of RA boards will come in handy 😊 I am excited to see what the school
Giant Duval!Giant Duval!Giant Duval!

Pascal wanted it.
year will bring, and can’t wait to meet the little kiddos. I’m not biting at the bit to start teaching, but you know. It’ll come.

Things I’ve learned:
Ice tea is bubbly, or really sweet
They have fire hoses instead of extinguishers
Ketchup in Belgium cost like $1
Wireless internet is really hard to get in our apartment
Calling from Europe with out a land line is expensive
Steal condiments from hostels and anywhere else possible
The army thinks everything is a privilege

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10



This is the belfry we went up. lots o stairs. (photo from AO)

This is a pic of the city from the top of the belfry. It was very pretty and so Europe-esque.

Pascal and Zahreee walking on the water
Accident beerAccident beer
Accident beer

So, we were in a beer store, and AO and I were thirsty. We saw a cooler with juice in it, and this stuff, raspberry and peach. So we got some, and it was accidently beer. It wasn't too bad, just surprising. AO almost choked on the accident beer laughing at this picture. Good times in Brugge.

Laurent and I made homemade pizza. they were wonderful. the rectangle slices are cheese. you're jealous.
Vianden CasleVianden Casle
Vianden Casle

This is the castle in Luxemberg when we saw it at night. Absolutly beautiful.

24th August 2006

I'm glad things seem to be going pretty smoothly! And also that the apartment is worth the surprise rent you have to pay. I look forward to more updates about beer and condiments in the future!
24th August 2006

i'm glad everything has been going great so far. this last week has been super busy. i'll write you soon.
24th August 2006

miss heather! i miss you and heart you! it sounds like you and wonderful (and also missed and heart'd) AO are going to have a great time. i laughed so much at the accident beer picture/story. everything is so pretty! make entries as often as you have internet! less than three!
24th August 2006

I miss you Heather!!
Hey Heather! I'm glad things are going well for you with Student Teaching :) Guess what? I'm just getting ready for student teaching..just had the first meeting so now its time for paperwork yay! Germany seems amazing! I've actually been to Brugge when I went to Europe 4 years ago! I didn't get to see any amazing castles like you did in Luxemberg...but close enough :) Well I hope all is well and that I miss you soo much. Have lots of fun over there and hope to hear from you again soon! Love ya, Nicole
24th August 2006

You're right I am so jealous
You are right, I am so jealous of the pizza and the crepes. I also heard that you had tiramisu. I'm glad you are having a good time. Love ya
25th August 2006

Sweetest Comment Ever
Luigi and Tyran say hi, and I guess I do too. Did you hear that Pluto isnt a planet anymore and that the morning after pill is now available without a prescription? Just thought Id keep ya up to date on the US info. Good night Header

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