Message from the happy Traveller

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August 23rd 2006
Published: August 23rd 2006
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Last time I left you we were heading back up to the 108. That was a good time. It was great to see Lea, Carol & Bill again. Their new house is beautiful. We helped them empty the removal trucks them had yummy chinese for dinner. Friday I ventured into downtown all by myself. I had a most EXCELLENT day!!! Went to North Vancouver (had to get the seabus, kinda like a ferry). Spent a couple hours exploring over there. Came back downtown went for a wander down Gastown, funky shops, then jumped on a bus and went to Stanley Park. That place is huge!!!!!!!! Spent 3 hours discovering that. Took some brilliant pictures that I will blog back when I am back at Susans.

Saturday went to Victoria on Vancouver Island. It is the MOST WONDERFUL place on this earth that I have seen yet. I could totally live there. It was a quaint town but not overly small. Roamed the streets (and pubs) there for 6 hours. Again took some magnificent photos. Stayed in a hotel cause that was the only room left in Victoria, not cheap but well worth it. Was right around the corner from the Parliment building. That's the one with all the fairy lights on it. So Kirst I saw "Pretty Lights! Pretty Lights!"

Sunday caught the Skytrain out to Mission which is where Steve is living at the moment & stayed there Monday night too as it was Steve's birthday. I had Japanese for dinner. 1st time ever &.........I loved it!!! It is my new favourite. I wasn't keen on the raw salmon but the other raw stuff was nice. Chris has been nagging me to try it for ages but I was too chicken. Now I'll be nagging her to go when I get back...hehehe

Tuseday caught the Greyhound to Banff (which is where I am now). It took 13 hours but I waited 3 hours for the bus in Mission then 3 hours for the bus in Coquitlam, I pretty much spent yesterday travelling & waiting. It is worth it though cause it is really nice here. It was pouring when we pulled in, as I said in my last entry there was even thunder. I was hanging around there waiting for my room & the rain stopped so I thought I'd mosey on down to the town. I've walked around here for the last 2 hours & you guessed it, taken even more photos. I found an internet cafe so I thought I would pop in & jot all this down.

I have booked a double tour tomorrow for around Banff & Lake Louise. I figured I'd let someone else do all the work & I could sit back & let my camera go crazy. Then Banff again Thursday night then back to Burnaby & Susan at 9am Friday morning which will get me home at about 8:30pm Friday night. That is probably when you will get the next update & more photos.

I'd love to hear some news from home, Jarryd I will try & call you for your birthday but if I don't get you I hope you have a happy one.

Lyndall I rang to leave you all a message on your machine but Brooke answered so it was nice to hear her voice. We got cut off though. I will leave you another message some time today. I'll buy a phone card at the hostel as it will be cheaper. Mum, always good to hear your voice, will call you again in a day or so, yours too Chris.

Take care all, at this rate I may never come home again. Too much to see & do!!! (We'll see how I sound when I run out of money....hehehe)

Could all grown ups please kiss all their children for me.

Ciao for Now
Love Kel


23rd August 2006

What happend to the sun........
Hey Kel, Just spoke to you but thought I would send a reply to your blog. It sounds great. I got the kids to the bus just in time, but Jacob couldn't find his jumper.....its always a rush at the last minute hey....I think its great that you are going on a tour and letting someone else take you rather than you trying to navigate your way around. That way you can relax and drink in the scenery and take lots of pretty photos.....I hope your remembering to mark all your photos so you remember whats what....What happened to the lovely sun and warm weather you have been skiting about hey!!! Back to Melbourne temperature by the sounds of things. Its raining hear this morning (only drizzle) and I think it rained most of the night, no thunder tho....Anyway, have fun and I look forward to your next blog when you get back to Susans. Love Chris PS Your passports in your bumbag.......
23rd August 2006

Hi Kel Lovely to hear your voice this morning. Don't worry about the bag ... it gives me an excuse to look for another one. Jarryd has a whole weekend of celebrations planned so the house will be quite...yee haa!!! Keep enjoying yourself and stay safe. Cheers Marguerite
25th August 2006

24th august
Hey Kel, do they have phase 10 over there??? was watching 3 musketeers the other day and thought of you (trying to get charlotte to watch it, start them early!!!) all is well here apart from the weather, charlotte and I both had colds last week. Hey guess what I now have 10 kids in my room, yeah!!! xx melissa, paulie and charlotte

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