Hospital eh?

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August 19th 2006
Published: August 19th 2006
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Ok, this is when this blog gets tricky. This is alex and me and pete are in bangkok. the other 3 are in the perhentian islands (prob spelt wrong) in malaysia. wer all supposed to be ther since thursday but unfortunately i landed myself in hospital as a result of treking in laos. got a foot infection which made me real sick and made my foot really big, so went to hospital in bangkok where we happned to be heading at the time, and went to get it looked at, wherupon they cut my foot open and put me on a drip and told me i cant leave for 3 days at least, which was in fact 4 days ago. no idea when im going to get out, but it looks like il be flown straight home when i do. not the best way to end the trip for me but, thats life i suppose. on the plus side thers a chance i might get flown business class which is pretty cool! Did treking and white water wrafting in laos, then headed south for bangkok on tuesday. sorry 4 the lack of blog activity again lately. daniel was supposed to hav done one ages ago, but i see now that he has neglected that particular task. anyway, take care and talk soon


19th August 2006

Dude that's tough
I hope it wasn't too painful.At least it wasn't as bad as Rob Greene's run in with a bridge in Laos. Praying that it'll heal soon Alex,praying for all you guys! Hazel :D
19th August 2006

thats a shame alex. we will be praying for you and also for Peter who must be on his own there while you are in hospital. look forward to seeing you when you do get back.
20th August 2006

just to let you know we were praying for you in dec this morning - keep us informed. ali

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