Slow Trip from Newcastle to Toowoomba

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December 15th 2013
Published: December 15th 2013
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Newcastle to Toowoomba

Slow trip to Toowoomba via the coast/Pacific Hwy

This is our maiden voyage, other than the short trips we have taken around the Hunter Valley, to get the feel of our van and what we need to pack, how it tows, what it ends up weighing etc.

Our first trip from Newcastle to Toowoomba will be relatively short (roughly a month) as we want to catch up with friends & family around Lismore and Mullumbimby for Christmas/New Year before heading to Toowoomba to set ourselves up in one of our units to use as a home base for our larger planned trips.

As originally intended, we plan to travel no more than 200kms on any given day and with any luck, considerably less distances with our first outing only 154kms from Stockton Beach Van park to the Beachfront Holiday Resort at Red Head/Hallidays Point between Forster & Taree. This park is managed by a very good friend that I grew up and went to school with. Helen Currie. A very nice park which I would recommend it to anyone.

As hoped, our first days travel was very uneventful with everything going to plan. I.e. The van towed beautifully and the Landcruiser was reasonably economical on fuel using roughly 15 to 16lts/100kms when towing at a average cruising speed around 98km/hr.

The weather first day out was spectacular with blue skies and a gentle sea breeze in the afternoon to cool things down for a great nights sleep. Once the van was set up (we are getting good at this already) we did a small drive around the area including Diamond Head, Red Head, Black Head and Hallidays Point township (very small) just to name a few. Very nice area I must say.

We are spending a few days here to get a feel for the area and check out the surrounding area which includes Taree, Old Bar, Tuncurry and Forster.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


16th December 2013

Top shot
Great pictures so far....this one in particular is awesome.....I found myself day dreaming whilst looking at this. Probably not advisable whilst I'm in training....but it was worth it :)
17th December 2013

Beautiful beach shots
I will enjoy following you on your journey and looking at all your photographs. Have a wonderful trip and an enjoyable xmas with family. Love, Sue and Steve x

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