Day 5- A day of driving and taking in the scenery

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August 12th 2013
Published: August 13th 2013
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Enjoying lunch at the park in Snohomish
Change of plans for the day. The innkeeper gave us a map with suggestions of places to go and see some of the countryside so we decided that was what we would do today.

First stop some shopping for a few more clothes at our favourite stores - TJ Max and Marshalls. Always get great designer label bargains in these stores.

Then we picked up lunch at the local Safeway supermarket. It's a great way to save a few dollars and quite frankly Geoff and I don't really want to eat too much fast food so soup and salad rolls is a great option.

The area around Snohomish is a beautiful drive. Lots of farmland and huge mountains in the background. The scenery was spectacular. Found a lovely quiet park called "Kla Ha Ya" park to eat our lunch. The park was right next to a river and it was so peaceful with nobody else around.

We had a walk around the local shops. They were very interesting - selling old fashioned goods, antiques and nostalgic items. Continued on with the drive through a town called Carnation and then onto a lovely place called Snoqualmie. The Snoqualmie

Main Street Snohomish
Falls are the main attraction in this town and well worth stopping to look at. The water plummets down 270 feet and is a spectacular sight. Geoff took some fantastic photos.

On the way home we stopped and bought a "point and shoot"camera to use while we are up in Alaska. Sometimes the small cameras are a lot let hassle than the more fancy SLR that we usually use. Fingers crossed anyway!

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One of the unique items for sale in the shop

A rocking goat for sale...great condition too!

Another interesting shop to explore in Snohomish

Geoff outside one of the stores

Snoqualmie falls

Making a new fishing buddy

The scenery along the way! Just beautiful

14th August 2013

hey guys some great pictures Keep them coming

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