I Am Dumb Re Dux

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Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna
July 22nd 2013
Published: July 24th 2013
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Remember the other day I was telling you how brilliant I am. Forget about that, because I am an idiot.

I went on a bike trip today though Austrian wine county (think the helicopter shot from The Sound of Music). I bet you are already looking forward to the photos. Well ... don't hold your breath, because there are no photos. My IPhone stayed at the Hostel today ... plugged in .... charging ... all day.

Yep ... I am dumb!

We took a train out to wine county and then we jumped on our bikes for a leisurely 20 KM (I have no idea how far that is) ride through beautiful rolling green hills, stopping at several wineries along the way, to sample their wares.

In addition to the great wine, we hiked up some trails for some amazing vistas (your just going to have to take my word for it). Beautiful landscapes, good wine ... overall, a great day.

I also met and had dinner with some new friends from Britain. They are welcome to comment on the blog, and if they want to email me some photos from the bike ride, that would be great.

A couple of thoughts.

I don't think Vienna is my type of town. The city is great, and its certainly beautiful, but its all about museums, opera and music, things that do not interest me as much as they interest others. I guess what I am saying is that I am not sophisticated enough to hang here. By way of analogy, you know what its like when you are out at a great club, and nerdy people arrive, and how tragic it is when they slowly but surely come to the realization that they are just not cool enough to be there? Thats what I feel like in Vienna. Not that I am not cool enough of course (let's not be ridiculous), its just that I believe to truly appreciate this great city you need a better understanding of and appreciation for the arts. So I am off to Prague where I can drink beer in peace, without having to fend off questions about what is playing at the opera tonight.

I am going to include one photo of a bridge into the train station near my hostel in Vienna. As you can see it is a nice looking, modern footbridge, and it is covered on the wast side and on the top by a glass wall, presumably to keep passengers dry in the rain. Now, I am sure this coverage is great during a storm, and I am sure it would be really nice and warm during the winter, but on a warm summer day you can literally feel yourself cooking underneath it. Passengers scamper to get out from underneath it. What were they thinking? Can someone say greenhouse effect?

More from Prague.



30th July 2013

Fish out of Water
I'll agree you are more of a drink beer in a pub than a go to the Opera kind of guy. The bike ride sounds very fun, but I'm not so sure about drinking wine along the way. I drank skittle shots at Joe & Kelly's tailgate last year and I had to walk my bike home.

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