Photos, Clarifications An Encounter With The Police

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Europe » Germany
July 15th 2013
Published: July 21st 2013
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In continuation of my efforts to educate the the parents of twins, I thought I would share some insights I received from my good friend Tom Shorter, the father of lovely twin girls. Although Tom thought my "dressing twin boys" advice was sound, he felt that there was a bit more leeway with twin girls and that perhaps they could continue to be dressed alike until they were about 6. After that, however, there are fewer options, as young ladies to not have the "black tie option."

So by way of review (1) twin boys >4 = sports team uniforms or black tie and (2) twin girls >6 = sports team uniforms.

Good! I am glad we got that cleared up.

As you can see we have photos. It turns out there was a stuck fetzer valve in the TravelBlog photo software. Once the valve was sorted, the ability to download photos returned.

It is time for a clarification. I have received a couple of inquiries about why the Stones would not let me participate in The Stone Family TravelBlog. First, I WAS KIDDING! Second, the Stones are good people (except perhaps Tyler, the grape-hoarder) who love me (and let's be honest, I am not that lovable) and they would not intentionally exclude me from their TravelBlog. Third, I was asked many times to be in their photos and/or their TravelBlog, I elected not to be for these reasons (1) I thought it would be nice for them to record their experiences as a nuclear (FYI ... I just spelled "nuclear" correctly on the first try) family, even if I helped a bit with some occasional ghost-writing and (2) as you can tell from my blog, I like to take photos, but I really don't like being in photos (this especially true when I have to compete with a family that has perfected their photo-perfect look through years of media-guide appearances). So, by way of clarification Stone Family = Good.

Finally, I had a rather disconcerting encounter with Interpol (the European International Police). It seems that back in 2009 my credit card was used used to purchase train tickets in Parma, Italy round about the time a blond woman and young blond girl were seen fleeing from a public bathroom without paying the required fee. The police have been searching for these women ever since, and they thought I may have some insights. I feigned ignorance and was released, but the police gave a security cam photo of the felons, which I include below.

I am off to Poland.

Keep the comments coming.


Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Death StripDeath Strip
Death Strip

Don't think a nice new condominium project would look good here?
New Friends Beth and AceNew Friends Beth and Ace
New Friends Beth and Ace

And Maribeth did WHAT ...?
Soviet War MemorialSoviet War Memorial
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Located in yet another beautiful, forested park.

A narrow brick strip that generally follows the 135 mile path of the Berlin Wall. It varies a bit, when necessary to accommodate the construction of a new Starbucks.
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Am I a closet fascist?
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Your tax dollars at work.

22nd July 2013

Not free to pee?!
So, are they felons because they didn't pay to pee? Now that makes me nervous...
22nd July 2013

Felons in Parma
I will fill you in when I get back. Let's just say its an absolutely hilarious story about custom differences and miscommunication, that ends with chase down a train platform in Parma Italy.
30th July 2013

Work mode?
I see you are eyeing up a condo development, are you getting itchy to start your new gig? Anyways, the pix of the Berlin Wall are amazing. Is there graffiti all over the 100+ miles of wall? Also, wild to think about how in this day and age where the internet breaks down barriers that a wall could keep out people but more importantly, ideas.

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