Sober Karen

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August 3rd 2006
Published: August 3rd 2006
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Hello to all my fun buddies!
Thought it was time for a quick update!
Still in Brisbane staying in the same hostel as I was before in Fortitude Valley. Starting work at the Ekka carnival next week so just biding my time until then. Trying not to spend any money and actually enjoying taking things easy for a week or two. Still frantically trying to line up a job for after Ekka as am determined not to ever get as low on cash as I have been the last few weeks and think I might work for the remainder of my time here!
Patrick left a couple of days ago which was sad but he managed to leave behind a hat and his tent (by accident!) so have plenty of reminders!
Am the only girl in an eight bed dorm which is...interesting! Getting on with all the guys in there though which is good and they are generally a well behaved bunch (apart from the guy bringing back the girl on occasion!) and they all work so have the room pretty much to myself in the day. Keeping myself entertained by watching DVDs (free DVD libary here) and job hunting which is helping me get to know the city well. Brisbane is nice and where I am staying is only about a ten min walk in to the centre so very handy. The only time I have had to use public transport was on the way back from a shopping centre where I had an observation morning for some job I applied for. Turns out to be some commission only bullsh*t job so turned it down. Would probably spend more in bus fares than I would earn!
It is good to get off the alcohol for a while as well and am glad to be giving the goon a wide berth for a while. The stuff cannot be good for you!
Katies tattoo is healing well and looking good and she was granted her working visa in her world wind trip to NZ so she is also looking for work as well.
Am having a slight problem with the wild life in my room at the moment as am getting bitten on a regular basis. Don't think it is bed bugs but they have fumagated our room twice now. Probably mosquitos, but one of the little blighters managed to bite me on the eye lid last night! Thank goodness for make up!
Thats all for now, will let you know how the carnival goes!


12th August 2006

Good luck to the mosquito.

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