Texas at Last

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April 20th 2013
Published: April 20th 2013
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Well we've finally made it back to Dalhart and our 'home away from home'

Been quite a journey to get here however. To fill y'all at home in...I wrote this eighteen days ago...

March 26
The following update comes with a warning to all family and friends...Don't Panic! While aforementioned family and friends continue their normal lives around the country ( barring where we are now), most will be blissfully unaware that we have not yet left said country! Originally due to fly out a week ago, due to unforeseen delays with visas we had rescheduled for this coming thurs 28th. Not content with visa delay alone we encounter more drama and excitement than anticipated, but first I need to backtrack to the day we flew out to Melbourne three weeks back.

The morning of our trip to see children and grandson I discovered a reasonably not small lump that probably needed looking at. Decision made, forget about it and it might go away 😊 so didn't give it another thought bar a fleeting one while lying in my morphine induced state in Melbourne hospital after waking in excruciating pain one morning. Several hours later the pain finally eased with the arrival of the worlds smallest kidney stone! Slightly embarrassing moment!

Return to NZ and prepare for next flight which we now know didn't happen! Three days before next due date, we finally manage to see a doctor then specialist for scans and mamogram. The results are two large cysts which eventually 'those in the know' decide to leave alone for the time being. Dodged a bullet there and husband is happy and considers them our own natural implants! Pity they only on one side! So now we can go ...but still no papers.

Tickets cancelled and put on hold and we head off for a weekend with my brother and family for Easter.Have a great day out walking in the forest and 'rock-hopping' in Middle Earth. The next morning we get the news that the petition for our visas has been approved, now wait for 'snail mail' arrival of said papers to our boss in New Mexico who will in turn email to us so we can complete our application and send in to US consulate with passports, get stamp of approval- visa- then we can rebook and go.However it seems at the moment life is never quite that simple! Literally moments after getting this news we get he phone call saying my dad has gone in renal failure and has days left to live.

Fast forward to April 21, Dalhart Texas

We finally made it after dealyed and missed flights and our welcome back to Texas was new spring snow! Dad has lasted a few more than a couple of days, in fact it's now been three weeks since we got the news. We made the tough decision to say goodbye and fly out, and still my Dad is hanging in there back home.

We have started work and tomorrow Paul heads off to Oklahoma for a couple of weeks.I'm a little apprehensive about being here alone while waiting for the call from home about dad, but I know that we have many friends and family back home praying for us, and I'm trusting God for the strength I need to get through the next step in this wonderful journey called life.


21st April 2013

Here's to you.
Hey, we have first hand experience with Visa Sagas and the emotional roller coaster rides that come complementary with them. Glad to hear that yours have come through and that you have now finally \"arived\". We are praying your Dad goes from strength to strength. We thank God that he has graced you with health and that you guys have a safe trip that is filled with new and exciting adventures. All the best from your Portuguese/Mozambican/South African/Kiwi (all rolled into one)Friends.

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