Off to China!

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March 22nd 2013
Published: March 22nd 2013
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Hello everybody,

Leaving on Monday for 26 days in China. I'll post pictures, etc. as often as I can.

I won't bore you with personal stuff--do you really care what I ate for breakfast?--just info about China that I found interesting and think that you will find interesting as well.




22nd March 2013

Have a great time. We really enjoyed it. bye for now
22nd March 2013

Hi, We're so excited for you. I'm happy your our neighbour, I send a hug and can't wait til we can have a glass of wine or tea and hear stories. Love Leslie
22nd March 2013

Bon Voyage!
Hi Donna -- wishing you a wonderful trip! The whole world will probably look different after seeing China -- happy adventures!
22nd March 2013

I like the personal stuff too! This morning I had an apple and six almonds for breakfast. Lunch will be an entirely different story.
22nd March 2013

Hi Donna ...thanks for including me for your blog. Will look forward to reading it. Have a wonderful trip.
22nd March 2013

Happy that you are on your way to another adventure. Look forward to following you.
22nd March 2013

Hello from Belleville
Dear Donna: I am looking forward to getting your impressions of China. Safe journey, Cathy
23rd March 2013

Hi Donna
Hope you have a wonderful time!
23rd March 2013

Have fun!
Hey, you go globe trotting again! Alone this time or do you have company? Praying you safe and enjoy!
23rd March 2013

Looking forward to your comments!
Have a great trip Donna. I love to read your posts.
1st April 2013

where are you?
Donna are you on a slow boat to China? only your first blog came through

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