San Fran

Published: July 26th 2006
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Hi Guys

In San Fran. Lovely city, and not as hot as Sacremento, hurray! The trip down from Sac to San Fran certainly showed the other side of the American dream. As you get further south it seems the only people who ride the greyhound are thoes who are either too poor or too crazy to own a car. And in America you have to be pretty poor and crazy not to. We had a chap in front of us in the que for tickets who decided that he really wanted to talk to us. It started easily enough, he had just come out of Falsom prison (pretty scary) clearly seeing the slightly shocked look on our faces he sought to re-assure us by issuing the immortal comment "Oh I'm not a violent man, If I saw you in the street I'd rob you. But I wouldn't hurt you" Sufice to say we were suitably re-assured.

Both me and Cesc had hair cuts in an attempt to defeat the heat but when the night time low is 40 degrees there was noo escape. Therefore it was a relief to leave the heat of Sacramento, even if it did mean a second consectutive 5am start. We arrived in San Fran and headed for the hostel which is located in a pretty scary neighbourhood. Fortunately heads down and a quick pace is enough to put off all but the most determined panhandler.

Tomorrow we descover San fran for real!


26th July 2006

Sounds like the Wald xx

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