Italy part 2, Nice and Spain

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December 5th 2012
Published: December 5th 2012
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Hola from Spain!

Well the rest of Italy went well considering I didn't get anything stolen and the expected floods of Venice decided to stay away while we visited!

From Rome we went on to Florence where we met back up with Seb. Florence is an amazingly beautiful city! The place is covered in evidence that this place was (and still is) a centre for art and culture in Italy. We had our own apartment here through airbnb and that was awesome after a while in hostels we were able to catch up on much needed washing! I'm sure Seb appreciated the apartment being turned into a laundry! We went and explored the city while trying to navigate its crazy unorganized streets. We managed to find michelangelos statue of david. Even though I'm more into the finer arts I can not stress to you how amazing it was! Jaime was left waiting patiently while myself and Seb took probably about half and hour just staring at it! After that we went on to the Uffizi gallery which is amongst the best museums in Europe. We just happened to see Botticelli, Raphael, more michelangelo, da Vinci and heaps more! This place was amazing. The rest of Florence involved going out drinking as that's what us three seem to do quite a bit when together. Florence had a great night life. I would with out a doubt return to Florence very soon it had so much to offer! Was an amazing city!

We said goodbye to Seb and went on to Venice not really knowing if floods were waiting for us or not. Luckily my luck seemed to have changed and we arrived to dry land! Venice was so much more than I expected. Full of contemporary art and unique shops as well as the canals that weaved through the city this place had it all. It was both beautiful, mysterious and at the same time a bit grungy. I loved it! We did the typical tourist thing and went on a gondala ride, was very romantic! We also spent a lot of time drinking red wine as we felt that was the only polite thing to do when in the last city in Italy (mind you Florence also saw us drink a lot of red wine!). So yeah Venice was a great place and another reason to visit Italy again!

From Venice we made the trip down to southern France to Nice. Turned up and it wasn't so nice! Wapouring rain and was not pleasent at all! I hate the rain. We managed but I wouldn't head back to Nice anytime soon. Reminds me of surfers paradise back home, great for beaches in summer but apart from the beach not much else going for it except touristy shops and places to drink, was fun that we got to visit Monaco from there which was good to see, very flash and expensive place!

From Nice we were meant to catch three connecting trains to Barcelona. Our first train ended up being delayed so we missed the next two. Therefore we spent four hours on the boarder to Spain waiting and waiting! A train trip that was meant to take 8hrs ended up taking all up... Wait for it... 18hrs! We literally travelled nearly a whole day to get not that far, we could have nearly been home in that time! I was not happy as anyone who knows me knows how impatient I can be, I was hating life haha. But we got to Barcelona at midnight and the hostel was great. Barcelona was so different to what I was expecting! I was expecting Spain to be dirty, grungy and dodgy (sorry Seb if your reading this for speaking so low about your country!). But surprisingly it was really nice and pleasent! The main street in Barcelona la rambla was full of Christmas decorations and markets which were fun. The main food market quickly became our main source of food as it was so cheap and yum! We went from Barcelona for the afternoon to dalis house which was amazing! He definatly was a crazy interesting unique artist and I loved every minute at his place! Mind you that was after a pub/club crawl with a massive hangover! Turns our Barcelona knows how to treat two Australian girls who love to drink well! one thing regret about Barcelona is us not realizing in time that we could have seen barcelona play live!

After Barcelona we went on to Madrid (only one 3hr train this time so it was all good!) which is where I am writing from now! Madrid is awesome! I prefer it more than Barcelona as it seems to have mre character to it and has an amazing history to it. We took a free walking tour aroun the city which was great to find out all about the city. Also found Starbucks lived on every corner here as well so I was so happy to be back in the land of having soy lattes easily accessible! Madrid is nice and sunny and great place to walk around and explore with so much to offer! One amazing thing I'm never going to forget was seeing real Madrid play live in the UEFA champions league! Seeing Ronaldo score the opening goal was amazing, everything from the crowd to the game to the stadium was great! I loved it! Madrid is a place I'm definatly coming to again!

Sadly we only have time for two stops in Spain as we are heading up to Paris tomorrow night (on an overnight train, not looking forward to it!)

Hope this blog wasn't too long and boring, have to end it now as I'm off to join in on some drinking games drinking sangria, it's only polite to accept free sangria in Spain right! 😉



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