Au Revoir!!!

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris
July 17th 2006
Published: July 17th 2006
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Today is my last day in Paris and I will not miss Paris because I know I'll be back but I will miss my host family. They are such wonderful people. They talk about everything around their dinner table. Tonight their cousin came from Cannes and she's so sweet and young. Only 15/16 and she made me miss my sister. They spoke of racism and I said my piece and I found out later that the cousin said I was really nice. I'm glad I could make a difference.

I'm also glad that I understood almost 80% of the dinner chat tonight. It's an improvement from the almost none from before. They're very interesting people.

Anyway today I spent a silly amount of money on perfume. But this is no ordinary perfume. It was custom made for me and smells so good that I keep having to smell myself. Yes, I'm vain. My perfume is GOD.

Then I bought presents for my hosts to thank them and I walked around Sébastopol. There was a fountain where children were splashing and playing. It was so cool. I took a million photos of them which I will post tomorrow.

Then I had a meal and Garance found me. She'd just been to the dentist so the entire side of her face was numb. It was très amusant.

Then the day before I went out dancing with Mélanie, Garance's sister. Let's just say I came home with phone numbers and e-mails. Haha. I was a dancing machine...not a very good one, but a machine none-the-less. I ended up returning at 4am and getting to bed by 5.

Tomorrow I head to Amboise and then to Portugal. I've already a hostel in Portugal booked. I'm so excited!!! Here I go!!!


19th July 2006

Wow, sounds like you;re having a great time! so jealous, cuttin loose in europe is the greatest! be safe world traveler. -gerry
20th July 2006

awww. i feel loved. i woulda thought you'd forget all about me *wink* i feel loved *warm glowy feeling* i miss you too! the house is way too damn quiet. haha.

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