Berlin, Krakow, Warsaw & Vienna

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October 16th 2012
Published: October 16th 2012
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Hi all!

Ok so I have been massively slack on keeping you all updated on my trip, but that's largely due to all the amazing things I've been getting up to! So from Munich we thought we would recover in Berlin...Didn't happen obviously as Berlin has the greatest night life. we were meant to be there for four nights but I extended our stay as Berlin had well and truly taken my heart! Everything from the culture to the nightlife to the amazing history and food and of course beer is just mashed up all forming and amazing place to be. I absolutely loved the street art so it helped that we found a friend who happens to be a tour guide, so we got all the local knowledge! We had an awesome time exploring old spy towers, abandoned factories and great unique local bars... However we also had to experience the clubbing in berlin and am proud to say I have been to watergate (just one of the massive nightclubs in Berlin). I think i found my drinking shoes again in berlin after so many years with them lost! I can sasfely say now that i love german beer. We went to the zoo as well which apparently has the largest collection of species... And i can tell it just went on forever so jaime loved it. We went to a bar that had everything on the ceiling, i felt like i was in mary poppins! Thats also where i learnt that when you have around five shots within an hour, two of them being straight gin... I dont last very long! We happened to be in berkin for the 22nd annivsary of berlin being reconsiled again (both east and west germany joining together once more) so that meant a public holiday so we joined our friend seb once more and some of his mates for even more drinking! So yeah if I havnt convinced you already that Berlin is a great place I will now... I'm seriously looking into coming back here next year to live and hopefully get a job in marketing for a year or two! Never thought I would be the type to just up and leave home so easily but Berlin is such a unique and fun place!

So after a week of fun in Berlin and a massive hangover i reluctantly followed Jaime to krakow, Poland. The city reminded me of Munich in that it's still a large city yet had a small feel to it with many old charming squares and churches. Jaime fell in love with krakow like I did with Berlin. We went to auschwitch concentration camp for a tour which was really depressing yet made me really value everything I have in my life that I take for granted. These poor defenseless people had absolutely no clue as to what was happening to them... Was such a sad moment in human history and really put everything in my life into perspective. I don't think I will ever forget that place or the feeling of being on the same ground they were on. On a happier note we spent the other days in krakow resting from Berlin as it was taking my body a while to adjust to drinking so much after so long at home not drinking anything!

After krakow we headed to Warsaw which we thought would be a good decision considering its the capital city... We were wrong! Our hostel was good and fun and we continued our drinking! but that was about all I can say for Warsaw... Was a very boring place and we had three days there of not much. We went on a walking tour around the old town which was pretty but not much there as it was all bombed in the war so most is fairly new for European standards. So after our visit to Warsaw (which did involve beer pong on the plus side) we happily went back to krakow for two nights as to get anywhere else we wanted to Warsaw was too far away! We relaxed in krakow with traditional polish food (what I could eat of it being vegetarian was so yum) and from there caught an 8 hour train to Vienna!

Vienna didn't seem very interesting at the beginning of our visit as there seemed to be a lot of big buildings that we had no idea of what they were. Our hostel was not as fun as Berlin where we made friends with so many people so we felt like we weren't really going to have a great time here. However I dragged Jaime along to a few art galleries and museums. The best modern art museum I have ever been to we visited today and I loved it. Anyone into modern art look up hundertwasser and you will be amazed by his works in both painting and architecture... Absolutely stunning! We also visited palace schonbrunn which is where the last Viennese royal family lived (famous Marie Antoinette actually lived here when she was young as she belonged to this family before marriage) the palace was cool and we got to try house made apple strudel made in the palace. Yesterday we went on a winery bike tour (not sure why wine and ridding bikes is viewed to go together but everyone, and i mean everyone rides bikes here so we went with it). Took me a while to relearn how to not crash my bike but once i was right it was great fun! The wineries and the whole valley were amazingly stunning, we rode along the river danube and through apricot orchards and quaint little villages. The group we had were great fun and the wine was awesome. Now that we know how to ride again we are defiantely adopting the European way and riding bikes wherever we can. Tomorrow night were off to a restaurant housed in a 13th century cellar!

We have a few more nights in Vienna and then were off to Prague! I think the quite time in Vienna is needed as Prague will be a weekend full of bars and clubs as we're meeting up with our friend from Berlin! Looking forward to seeing Prague as everyone I have met has told me only really good things about it! Sorry for the long blog I did say I have been up to a lot!

Then from Prague who knows were we will be... If I can convince Jaime maybe back up to Berlin for a while 😊



16th October 2012

Sounds like you are having a great time luv, there must be some amazing places over there. Take care.
24th October 2012

Hey there
Your blog is amazing; I feel like I have on a bit of a world trip after reading it. Hope the next instalment of your trip is equally as exciting!

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