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July 15th 2006
Published: July 15th 2006
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Hello! First of all, SO sorry for the lack of pictures! Everyone knows that reading is no fun without pictures! And I would put up the pictures now, but I don´t have the hooker upper! So, yall are just going to have to wait a little longer.

Well today is Saturday, which means crazy market! I woke up at about 7 today and got all ready, etc, but we didn´t leave until 9:30 because we have a bunch of slow pokes. Let me just tell you...this market is AMAZING. I bought so many pairs of great earrings and some necklaces and perfect presents... And the day isn´t even half over! The main street, Sucre, is so entirely filled with people and their stands that cars can´t even attempt to get through, because it is hard enough for people! There are some crazy things here too. I saw this man that had this drum type thing on his back with the handles hooked up to his feet, and when he walked it would beat the drum, and then he had maracas and also little pipe things that i forget the name of but are so great, but kind of expensive (meaning more than 13 dollars). I am so spoiled here...For example.. I saw a pair of earrings that I really liked, and I was told that they were 3.50. And so I turned them down. Isn´t that awful? I don´t know how I am going to be able to live in the States ever again. It´s hard to believe that I would ever pay more than 20 dollars for shoes! This place is that great. It is also sad though because there are little woman beggars that it is so hard to refuse to give money to.

Well seeing as it is just after 12, and I haven´t done much today and I dont have then thing for the camera to hook up to the computer, I´m going to have to write more later and add a zillion pictures, I promise. I hope all is well!


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15th July 2006

There's my Shopper!
I am glad you are feeling better today and able to go to the market. It sounds like you are are having a great time and enjoying being with the children. I'll have to see you salsa when you get home! Be sure you bring that "hooker upper" next time. haha. Love you, Grandma
16th July 2006

Laura, I just caught up with your travel and teaching experiences! It sounds like you are having a blast and hanging out with some really awesome people. Keep on teaching, remember - you have to get all that stuff you buy into your luggage, and stay well. See you back in the states!

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