Day 9: Part 2

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Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao
August 31st 2012
Published: August 31st 2012
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Seeing Guernica was amazing. The city is a symbol of freedom of Los Vascos and it is very sacred. I enjoyed the lecture that took place there today. Even though we weren’t there long and it was very small I felt like I learned a huge portion of the culture that I didn’t understand when I studied Guernica by Picasso. After that we had lunch near by at a restaurant in the OMA Forest which was beautiful scenery. I have to say all the hotels and restaurants we have stayed and eaten at have been beautiful and so nice. I’m glad we get to experience the best of the best before we are traveling on our own and staying in hostels.

<span> When we got to the Hotel in Bilbao we had a review session for the test where we could ask questions and it was extremely helpful. I feel much more confident about the test because all the little pieces I missed here and there during the lectures I was able to understand. I really like my head professor Ricardo. Even though he talks very fast he is so passionate about the history and culture of this country that it inspires me to try harder to understand everything as much as I can. I also have him for my Modern Art Spanish class so I’m excited to go on even more fun trips with him.

<span> Tonight we didn’t have anything planned so we all enjoyed the wifi (pronounced Wefee) in the lobby together and then went for some tapas and vino. Everyone is pretty exhausted at this point from all the traveling and touring so we ended the night early and headed back to enjoy the wifi once again.

<span> Tomorrow is our last day of touring and then we head to Madrid! I’m so excited!


31st August 2012

Jocelyn, I am SO thrilled that you are blogging and sharing with everyone this tremendous experience! I would LOVE to hear more about your trip when you return. Enjoy every second! Buen viaje!

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