Two Days in one entry!!

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris
July 9th 2006
Published: July 9th 2006
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Okay, here I go trying to remember everying. Laurent, the family friend showed me around Paris two days ago. We passed the government center, explored the left an right banks of the Seine, ate a cute French lunch at a cute French café and of course, visited Notre Dame. Wow, its totally amazing. It was interesting to be with him because his English isn't as good as Garance's or her family's but we managed in Frenglish. We walked through the outside of Le Louvre and he explained to me how all the arches in the city went straight through the center and were made so that the sun set through them and that the Equinox can been seen through them too! Or something like that. It was two days ago so I don't quite remember. We also saw the Opera but it was closed so I couldn't see the auditorium.

I just had to mention that they're eating seafood and its so much different than how we do at home. Everything is with the shell, eyes, legs, saltwater. It was definitely and interesting eating experience.

Anyway it was a nice time and that night Garance cooked. It was very good.

The next day Garance and I went to Le Louvre but her foot was hurting so I felt badly for the fact that one must walk about the museum. But I saw the Mona Lisa which was so crowded but I don't really care about her. I saw Michelangelo Statues which were so gorgeous. He knew sensuality and human beings. The art was magnificent even the pieces I didn't really care for. The pyramids were really cool and I'm sorry for not taking more pictures but I feel like I'd rather spend my time looking than photographing. I did get a few of me and Garance though which is good.

Then last night was a blast. We went to a bar where her uncle works and its a jazz bar so there was a band playing and it turns out they were from New York. The woman was drunk off her ass and not that great a singer but the bassist was pretty cool. We had cocktails and I got to talk to her sister and I reallllllly like Garance's sister. Her family is great. We kind of danced in our seats and sang along and stuff. Fun stuff. Anyway, we got home and I spoke with my family a bit on the phone. Well a lot but my dad said not to worry about the cost.

This morning I woke up at 1:40 and I'm leaving soon, at 3:30 for a walk around. Maybe the Eiffel Tower and just to read. It should be pleasant. Get some icecream or something. Anywho, love you all. Thanks for reading.

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Au dessous la pyramideAu dessous la pyramide
Au dessous la pyramide

no idea if that french is right...
Enjoying gelatoEnjoying gelato
Enjoying gelato

no idea if that french is right...

9th July 2006

i'm so glad you're having a great time, and so jealous!!! lol. be safe and have a great time!
9th July 2006

you didn't talk to me! you said you talked to the family but not me. i'm hurt *pout* no one ever told me you were on the phone! not fair! i don't like you anymore lisa. you're a butthead. weeee!
27th November 2007

i used to work with gelato... it is so good....

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