Hello from Phnom Penh!

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Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh
June 20th 2006
Published: July 8th 2006
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Well here we are in Phnom Penh. After a 6 hour bus journey at 6am we really weren’t prepared for the riot that greeted us off the bus. Christ I thought Siem Reap was bad! We could hardly get off the bus for the amount of taxi drivers grabbing your arm, trying to get your attention, asking you where you’re from and where you’re going. Whilst battling through the crowd it was literally every man for himself! People grabbing you, pushing from behind, walking in front of you thrusting a laminated card under your nose for whatever guesthouse they are working on commission for. We managed to get away from the bus into some space and re-group then got a lift to the Number 9 Guesthouse on the bank of Boeung Kak Lake. This is the main backpacker area of Phnom Penh.

After a Tuk Tuk journey through traffic that would put Bangkok to shame we arrived at what was basically a dirt track about 12’ wide lined with guesthouses and restaurants. The drains down the middle of the road have no covers on them leaving a large square hole in the middle - could be a bit hazardous walking home pissed late at night!!

After walking around and taking in the surroundings it really struck me that Cambodia is just so far from England both physically and culturally. I’ll give you a few examples. The moped is the main form of transport here due to it’s low cost. Actually while we’re on the subject, the only other form of transport apart from 4x4’s that seems to exist here is the Toyota Camry - random I know! Anyway these guys are fearless. We have seen families of five on mopeds, a guy strapping a TV to the back seat of one - even a bloke with a basket attached to the back containing 5 live.....yes live.....pigs! Other examples would be that you can buy morphine, valium or Viagra (he-heeeey!) over the counter with no questions asked, our Tuk Tuk driver told us that he owns an M-16 rifle, and when you order a pizza you have to specify how ‘Happy’ you want it. Whatever level of happiness you request determines how much of an extra special herbal ingredient they add (and it’s not oregano if you know what I mean!).

Guesthouse number 9 was a really chilled out place, all of the rooms, the bar and the restaurant are all built out over the water of the lake, with hammocks etc so the view at sunset is spectacular. There was nothing better than just swinging in a hammock all afternoon reading a book after the very busy previous week.

We booked up a Tuk Tuk to take us to the Killing fields and S-21 tomorrow so decided to have a nice early night to prepare myself mentally for quite a harrowing day.

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10th July 2006

it's good to laugh
dear Pete, not having heard from you for a while-suddenly there's LOADS of news! It's really great to read it. The moped cargoes made me laugh outloud, so had to share it with some of the other staff. Must move on to next blog... mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
14th July 2006

Cambodia is odd but great at the same time
Pete, been getting all your e mails mate good to see you are having a cool time. Sorry it has taken me so long to mail but just lazy mate. Well Cambodia just next door to Thailand but worlds apart and that road from the boarder to Siem Rep what an ass. Phnom Penn strange old place but the sun set is good on the lake. Will you still be in Thailand as me and Nat fly there september 29th ? We have just got back to Sydney and are trying to get jobs to get some $$$$$ for Thailand so hopefully see you there mate.

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