Hopping the Border

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Europe » Germany » Lower Saxony » Freiburg
June 7th 2012
Published: June 7th 2012
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Ok so I have to be brief with this entry because I have 3 hours until I leave for Prague! Just as I predicted, this week has flown by and we have done all sorts of things we never thought we would ever do.

Class was normal this week. I'm getting better about staying awake the whole time, and I really do find the subjects interesting. Monday morning we took a field trip to the European Parliament, and Tuesday morning we went to the Council of Europe. Both of these buildings are in Strasbourg so it was cool to see how much of political center Strasbourg really is. Tuesday night, Dr. Gaspar took us to Kehl, Germany which is right across the Rhine from Strasbourg. That was a really cute town, and we ate dinner at this restaurant right on a little pond and got gelato after 😊

As fun as all that was, nothing could compare to the spontenaity of last night. Eight of the girls decided to go to Freiburg, Germany, which is about 1 1/2 hours away from Strasbourg by train. There is a popular university there so it is a really young and fun place to be. One of Mona's friends, Claudia, goes to school there and she was able to meet up with us and take us around. So anyway after we'd had dinner and walked up to this beer garden on top of a hill, some of us started formulating a plan to stay overnight so we could really see what Freiburg was all about. Claudia offered a place for us to stay and so finally 5 of us committed to missing the last train back to Strasbourg... the next one wouldn't leave until 6 AM. Once we'd made that choice there was no turning back. We went back to Claudia's place and met some of her friends (all German) and the rest is history. It was such a fun night out with the locals, and just the fact that we could make the choice to spend the night in Germany was great. We slept at Claudia's for about 2 hours before waking up to take the 5:55 train back to Strasbourg for class. Even though we were all ridiculously tired today, it was worth it, and I really feel like we got to know a different side of Europe.

Ok so I want to talk about more, but I really need to start getting ready to leave! Talk to you when I get back 😊

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7th June 2012

Great post!
And you write really well! And not only telling a story in an interesting way, I didn't think kids bothered with correct spelling anymore. Keep it going.
7th June 2012

We love your pictures and your posts. Rick Steeves look out.
7th June 2012

Way to go, girl!!!! Glad you were able to meet up with Claudia and she could show you around. FUN!!

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