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July 5th 2006
Published: July 5th 2006
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in Sydney!!...this place is very cool to..its weird I keep thinking im in Melbourne again but ifv just forgotten where everything’s. Not quite sure why I think this because Melbourne and Sydney are very different. Think I still prefer Melbourne however the opera house gave Sydney alot of points!! ITS AMAZING..its so surreal looking at it..iv seen so many pictures and wanted to see this awesome building for so long that its absolutely unreal standing in front of the in my opinion, finest piece of architecture the world has ever seen. its even more awesome in real life! Bridge is awesome to. am yet to find a spot where I can get both in the pic- am guna scout around postcards and see where they go. Wanted to go to the aquarium 2day but feels like iv been on the internet all day- its really playing up and its driving me iiiinnnsssaaaannneeeeee- I whined and i think im getting discount cos I spent about an hour n half writing these blogs only to not a) be able to save it or store it b) couldn’t upload pics n c) cant check hotmail or do pretty much anything else..ggrrrrr.o and 6th comp lucky, n 3rd café lucky..grrrr!!! anways had a great day yest..did my 1st big wash---yyaaayyyy-----went n saw the opera house, bumped into steve, (emma’s boyfriend friend that iv know for bout 2 years now) very weird so he came round with me n my friend from the tour who are all at wake up with me and then ended up having possibly the funniest night iv had so far—I couldn’t explain how n why it was so funny ..but it just involved 6 people trying to figure out wot 2 eat-50 mins in supermarket- trying to save money- passing a restaurant which did a better cheaper meal- then dropping/smashing the sauce- ended up paying more 4 not a very inspiring meal- set alight to tea towel n then we think we broke the dish washer- it was a -u had 2 be there!!! Anyway friends leave to go up coast on thurs but they are being replaced…yes I do “replace” my…by kate n em..yyaayyy…cant wait 2 see them—slightly sad I cant be a loner anymore cos I love travelling alone, as u can probs tell but i also cant wait 2 see them and I know were guna have a great time…now those that no n love me know its my birthday on fri---yyaayy 4 me!! And am trying 2 think of cool things 2 options are
seeing Staind live
dinner n play at opera house
or going to the cool backpackers bar where their having a xmas party= just think it would be cool celebrating xmas- wearing a santa hat on my birthday which is in july!! Ha…maybe..a mixture. but there’s lots to think about..right not much more 2 say..oo apart from have started a Kodak online gallery where u can see pretty much every photo iv taken (500) if these blogs only wet ur appetite!! -have sent out emails now but think have missed a few people off, dad, terry,donna, some reason wouldnt let me add ur emails!?!?
anyway 2nd day in sydney- yes net seems 2 behaving again but wrote this entry yest and had to put it on floppy...anyway 2day had an awsome 2day- after sleeping in a bit after quite a large one at the gaff again. wasnt nessisarly intended...eve strated off peacful- steve took me out 4 my birthday 2 a real nice resturant on darling harbour --and no nothings going on b4 all ur ears start wagging...think it was cos he wanted nice food, didnt want 2 go alone, and didnt like the sound of my left over rice that i was guna have--so yay!!!!!- the pizza was so good- tiger prawns- rocket- goats cheese n tomatoes---aarrggg--im reliving it!!!! anyway------desided i was going to have a good tourist day seeing as yest sucked being in front of a screen-not why im here! anyway 2day. went to china town, the chinese gardens- they were bit crap and wasnt very impressed but think that might be because iv seen so many naturally beautiful things to me it seemed too false. but anyway had a nice lunch there and then walked around the stunning parks in darling harbour and by chance ended up in this aborginal centre where i watched a free show all abou tthe digerydoo(spelling). was soooo cool..was realli happy that i found a didge cd on the cheap the other other day but now im even happier now i know all about it- how they make them- how to play it- and the music insnt just music its song and storeys. the noise are the aborgiginal names for things like moving thing or kangeroo and they do hand movements to tell the story...sooo cool. was intrigued!! anway then wandered over/around the harbour and was desperate for loo so was trying to find somewhere and acidentally whilst looking for toilet walked into a free contemparty art gallery---was awsome---but couldnt stay long other wise i have have contributed my own unwanted, contempary art!!then a nice walk around to under the bridge where i sat in the much need warmth/sun for a while watching the bridgewalkers..then followed path round to see the opera house again- i wonder how many times ill go and take exactly the same pics!!!but its jsut soooooooooo awsome! um plan then was to go round to the botancial gardens but 4 some reason was knakered by all the walking so started the kinda long walk back. got stopped by travel agents(wicked travel)- ones that id been recommened and think i can get a realli good package to whitsundays for a few days, fraser for a few , free accom $100 off cos theres a sale all 4 $375---sweet!! well now im happy that finally internet is working 4 me and i can get this up 4 u guys...think im guna get some food now and prepare myself for seeing my friendys 2mo bright and early...yyyaaaayyyyyyy!!!
Hope ur all well


6th July 2006

Happy Birthday
Well darling This birthday will be somewhat diff to last year !!! Its gone so quickly. Will be thinking of you all day tomorrow which I think is this eve here.Funny to think Geoff and I were arriving from honeymoon and then got the wonderful news that the most georgeous little bundle had honoured the world with her presence. And now here you are exploring it!! Had a lovely Bump thinking day yesturday as Mum and I had lunch with Phil Rumsey and Geoff Newell Bumps best friends at the RMYC. He'd be so proud of you out there grabbing life. Have the best day. Massive Lewis hugs, cuddles and squidges !!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
10th July 2006

Hi tef sorry I've been a bit crap recently but I was disabled from my inernet use at school which was well gay, anywhoo hope your birthday was awesome and your still having an amazing time. Love u trills and quills. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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