A View Through the Notch

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June 26th 2006
Published: June 30th 2006
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On Monday we drove through pouring rain to get to Vermont. Take a look at my last entry for the route. We stopped for lunch at an A&W in Lake George. We had to drive through a flooded part of the road to get there. The rain was so hard I had to put on my flashers and drive about 40mph on the highway.
Jorge and I drove straight into Burlington so he could get a labret. My brother is a professional piercer and works at Body Art on Church Street. He pierced it for him free of charge - but perhaps he enjoyed doing bodily harm to my boyfriend, ha ha! For those of you who don't know, a labret is a piercing between the lower lip and chin. He looks good, but he's been having trouble eating - it hurts, of course.
I showed him some of Church Street afterwards, then we drove to my house in Jeffersonville. He was hurting pretty bad so we went to bed after watching Chronicles of Narnia. In the morning he met my grandmother for the first time and we had a short visit. We also went walking around my property in search of Chipmunks, moose, and bears... all three of which Jorge has never seen in real life but desperately wants to encounter. He especially wants to see a bear take down a moose... don't know if that will ever happen, haha.
That afternoon we drove over the notch (Smuggler's Notch), which is a mountain pass that has gorgeous views and giant rocks and trails to hike. We stopped and climbed some of the rocks and played in a nearby stream, building a dam and changing the couse of the water. It reminded us both of being kids again.
Afterward, we drove on to the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in Waterbury, VT. We took the tour and they gave us free samples of a new ice cream out this year called Apple Pie. It combines vanilla ice cream, chunks of pie crust, and slices of baked apple. MMMMMM!! We also went to a cabot cheese and Lake Champlain outlet and tasted all the free samples of cheese. Also delicious! We then went to the Cold Hollow Cider Mill and had free samples of Cider. Freeness is awesome, especially with delicious Vermont food.
We drove back home and my parents had a BBQ with chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and wine. I love being home!
This morning we drove into Burlington and checked our baggage at the airport. It was a short flight to Dulles on a puddle jumper, then a five hour flight from there to Mexico City that seemed to last forever! It took us an hour just to get off the ground! Once in Mexico City, we exchanged our money to pesos.. and I got ripped off $20! I'm pretty sure I handed him $132 but on the receipt it said $112! Well, not much I could do - my word against his.
We took a two hour bus ride from there to Puebla, where I finally met his parents and sister. Everyone was really friendly and my Spanish is slowly coming back to me...
More later, tata for now!


1st July 2006

Hello from Ithaca
Emily!!!!! omg i miss you terribly and it hasnt even been a week yet! nothing really going on here....actually kinda boring. just working and hanging out.....nothing at all exciting...not like being in MEXICO! well have fun and make sure to take lots of pics for me to see. love you!

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