Jay Leno - Tonight Show

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March 16th 2012
Published: March 18th 2012
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Ok, so today just plain rocked my socks.

Morning was spent puttering around Hollywood... I had to check out by 10am but I didn’t need to bus to Burbank until noon, so I just wandered in and out of shops and such.

It was easy enough to get to NBC. On the ticket it says be there by 2:45pm, but everything I read online said to get there earlier if you want to make sure you get in. So. I got there at 12:45pm haha. There was already a small line – but I was 34th so I figured that was pretty good!

I brought a book so I read for a bit, then the guy sitting beside me kept trying to talk to me... but he was a little odd. He was a dump-truck driver from Wisconsin... yeah. Party all around. He was nice though... at least it helped pass the time.

The pages were an interesting bunch – every so often they yell from the front area that you can’t take photos (if they see a camera, that’s it that’s all) and that cell phones have to be completely off before you enter the studio. They also kept telling us it was cold inside... we all just looked around... it was cold OUTSIDE so we figured we’d be fine in the studio haha.

At 3pm they brought the first batch (1-30) into the studio. And we waited. And we waited. Then this HUGE group of about 30 people came out of nowhere and got to go in front of us... not cool!! We were grumbling because now we figured we’d be in the second tier or something. Turns out that group was the guest list... ridiculous, or so we thought.

Finally our batch of 30 went in. The first couple people were sent up the stairs, then myself, my Wisconsin neighbour, and another girl a few people down (we were all solo) were told to go straight down the hall. Oh. Good sign!

We then had to wait while another 6 people or so went ahead of us. Ok. *twiddle thumbs* Then a page finally took the three of us.

And we walked right along the front of the stage.

Where he removed tape off a bunch of chairs.

And we got to sit dead centre, just to the right of Leno’s little monologue platform. Hell to the double yes!!! We could hardly believe our luck! We had no idea how they organize everything because we ended up sitting right in front of people who were #10 in line... so no idea, but really happy that it went that way!

Of course now that we were seated we had to wait some more. I got to chatting with my other neighbour – turns out she’s from just outside Edmonton! CANADIAN BUDDY! Turns out she’s a French teacher (small world!) so we got to talking about that, and about LA, and about travelling (she’s a travel bug too) and all that jazz – definitely was a nice chat.

At 3:45pm Jay came out wearing his famous denim shirt and jean ensemble lol. He talked to us for a few minutes, letting us know what’s in store and explaining how they’re a taped-live show, so whatever mistakes happen, stay in the show (“As you’ve probably noticed”) and he joked that it would help him out if we actually laugh at his jokes 😉 Minor detail that is. He opened the floor to any questions, but really it’s just a chance for 3 people to get their picture taken with him (and he’ll ask where you’re from/what you do). Also, random side-note, he has the cutest smile – he looks like a little kid excited/proud about something – no teeth, just a great big grin!

Warm-up comedian guy came out next – he didn’t actually tell all that many jokes, he just got us clapping and cheering and all that jazz. He too, of course, told us to be sure to clap and laugh and cheer – he then got us to dance around a bit and do a cheer with him. He also got some middle-aged Asian guy to shake it on stage – we were killing ourselves laughing – he was a good sport. Anywho, we did the heeey-hoooo cheer when he started to ad-lib where he’d leave out a word and we had to fill it in – obv Leno was one. Then pooooo’ (instead of poor haha). It was fun!

Then it was “places everyone!” and let the excitement really begin!! We were all standing and clapping during the intro song and as soon as the door opened we rushed the stage haha. (The warm-up guy warned us not to trip and fall for it will be on national tv lol). I got right into the corner where the platform meets the stage and got a good, solid handshake! On tv it always looks like he’s just kind of touching everyone, but he actually grabs your hand.

Monologue was good – I found it funnier than I usually do... I don’t know if that’s just because I was there and in person or what, but it was genuinely funny. I think I spent as much energy just watching his movements and looking at the cue cards (well, what I could see of them) as I did listening to the jokes – it’s definitely another level of appreciation for the show.

Commercial break was funny –people of course come out to fix his hair and make-up; at least he was just bobbing his head along, making this eye-rolling face, then he finally just pushed them away haha. The rest of the break he bobbed along to the band music while we were all clapping along – his shoes were tap-tapping on the wood too.

The first “bit” was American History according to Jaywalkers... omg it is depressing what people think of their own history. And I use the word think really loosely. They made a fake documentary out of it, trying to “explain” the history the Jaywalkers were providing – including such gems as Mt Rushmore is in Jellystone Park, Jesus was the Father of America, and the flag has 56 stars each representing a country that the US took over. Yes. I see.

Again it was interesting to watch Leno – the band members were laughing along with the rest of us and enjoying the video, but Leno just kind of stood their awkwardly haha.

During this commercial break we realized perhaps our seats were only good for the first half haha. All the camera crew came and basically set up right in front us – so if you were sitting on the floor, you were pretty much out of luck. But you could watch on the camera screens or they had a bunch of giant tv screens coming down from the ceiling, so all was not lost.

First guest was Jimmy Fallon! YAY! I’m not a huge fan of his night-show (I’m all about Craig Ferguson!) but I loved Jimmy on SNL. Anyway, Jimmy came out and the first segment was him talking about his childhood and his backyard haha. His parents were really overprotective so he could only play in his yard with his sister haha. Awww. Then he listed a bunch of the interesting moments (his dad planting a tree in the middle of the yard, the chain-link fence so all the neighbourhood kids could watch him play alone, having to wear old football helmets when twirling on the swing with his sister, riding his bike in circles around the tree, basketball hoop that he wanted on the garage but dad put in yard too haha. PRISONER!). Jimmy’s adorable though, he gets so animated while he’s talking and he’s just a joy to watch.

During the commercials he chatted with Jay – mikes are off of course, so we couldn’t hear anything. Band played another song, but I was too busy watching the stage hands put together some bowling alley with leprechauns as pins. I had to laugh – it’s Jimmy, of course he had a game/contest laid out for him and Leno.

Back from the break they talked about SNL and showed a clip from when he hosted the other week and did a weekend update-off with Tina (vs Seth and Amy). It was adorable watching him watch himself – he was laughing at his own jokes and raved about Tina. Aw! He then did a dramatic reading from his book “Thank You Notes 2” hahaha. God I love when does those on his show.

Then of course came the bowling! Not only did they have leprechaun pins, but they bowled with frozen cabbages haha. What a pair they are. This time they had a new bet too (last time they had a bet, Jimmy lost and had to wear all denim in his next monologue) – this time the bet was to wear a fake moustache. I love it.

The split the first attempt, each getting 6 then 4. Jimmy was all loosey-goosey about it, but you could see Leno was competitive about it haha. For a tie-breaker originally Jimmy’s were placed at an impossible distance (/the leg fell off one haha), but they made it fair for him and he ended up winning!! Oh Leno haha, you will look so funny come Monday night. He fake stormed off into the leprechauns and kicked them over. Leno then joked though that at least he could grow a moustache in unlike a certain other host 😉

That commercial break Jimmy chilled with the band while Jay talked with some stage people – Jimmy actually sang along... or well... he tried haha and then high-fived about 10 of us in the front row. Aw yeh. Also, may I add he looks fantastic in a suit. Just sayin’.

Second guest was this Gr. 2 whizz kid who knew everything about American presidents – he was adorable and had the cutest accent/lisp ever! Me and my Canadian buddy were aw’ing the entire way through haha. One good moment was when Leno asked him to list all the Presidents (oy that took forever) and Jimmy was sitting there being all impressed then picked him up and hugged him once he finished haha. So cute!

After the commercial break it was Toby Keith singing some new song I don’t know... it had a good toe-tapping beat though. It was fun to watch Leno, the kid and Jimmy bop along to it too.

Afterwards they taped a few promo clips for the show. Leno totally flubbed his first take haha – good thing these ones are actually re-done. I don’t even know what he said, but it certainly wasn’t “American History and Politics” haha. Jimmy then did one and didn’t even get out “Stay tuned” before he burst out into a fit of giggles and Leno started pretending to hit him. Took Jimmy a few tries, then on the last one he walked right up to the camera so all you saw was his giant head hahaha. Jimmy asked Toby if he wanted to do one: “hell no” ok then haha.

And finally they had to add/fix a few audio tracks – they had to redo the intro for the kid, like the music for him. And they added in a drum-roll for the final throws during the cabbage challenge. It didn’t take long to do.

And that was it! We were out of there by 5:15pm, easy-peasy! It really was a great experience to see all the work that goes on around the stage that you’re oblivious to as a watcher at home. It’s fascinating.

I then bussed back to the hostel... or well tried to. Bus was an hour and five minutes late... that takes skill. Thankfully I was waiting with my new Canadian buddy, so we just chatted while we waited and then went our separate ways once we were on the bus.

So that was the end of LA! Off to the bus station now... oy.


20th March 2012

I haven't seen Jay for a couple of weeks. Been on vaacation. When did he grow a moustache? I like it!!
24th March 2012

He didn't - he lost a bet with Jimmy Fallon and had to wear a fake moustache (without explaining why) during his monologue. He actually took it off in the next segment... although I agree, it actually didn't look as bad as I expected haha.

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