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February 23rd 2012
Published: February 23rd 2012
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I haven't updated because this is a travel blog and I have not been traveling. I spent $700 on a ski pass and I intend to use it until my money spent per day on skiing is in the single digits. All of this plus I make minimum wage so traveling is hard.

I have been making new friends and progressing from equipment handler to instructor. I get certified next month by the Professional Ski Instructors Association or something like that.

As the ski season comes to a close I have applied for summer jobs. The one I hope to get is a full-time accounting position. I came to Germany because I didn’t want a desk job but now I decided that I would rather work more and spend more than work less and spend next to nothing.

I did celebrate the holiday of Fat Tuesday or Fasching as they call it here. Fasching is a pagan holiday that has to do with good and evil spirits and then was Christianized. Basically, it’s Halloween. Everyone gets dressed up and skis from restaurant to restaurant on the mountain. I had to work that day but I caught the last lift up after work. I had my flight suit on that dad sent. I was trying to be Mavrick from Top Gun. Boarding down the mountain at mid-night was the best part. I didn’t have a headlamp so I went down with a group of skiers who did. The next 10 minutes was the craziest of my life. Sinusoidal patterns of flashlights were succeeded by spinning ones as skiers fell from either too much beer or not enough skill or worse: both. I could make out the tree lines pretty well and let my muscles guide me down the mountain that I know so well now. I have no idea how fast I was going but I made it down without incident. I fell three times in the parking lot.

Well, that’s it for now. My next update will probably be about my new job. I love and miss you all!


23rd February 2012

blog update

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