Entering Week 2 In Paradise

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February 1st 2012
Published: February 1st 2012
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"The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of the wind in a primeval wood and the sound of outer ocean on a beach" ~

Top o' the morning to you all.

It's 10 am here and overcast with high winds. I've got my fingers crossed the winds will pick up a few loud kids and their parents out of the pool and blow them about 5 miles away. This one mother is talking SO loud trying to teach her kid to swim. I'm not trying to be funny (well maybe I am) but this kid is always screaming, and whining, and complaining. The father has been bringing glass beer bottles into the pool, which is of course not allowed or smart at all. (see further on). Anyhow, he's no genius either, and chances are if he threw himself on the ground he'd miss.

I know I grumble about noise and etiquette, but we are often amazed at how loud people can be when sharing space with other people. It's not like we're on mute when we're in the pool, but holy cow, we keep it to a dull roar out of respect for others, especially later at night.

Mom took the bull by the horns yesterday; we've seen people in the pool with beer bottles. Not cans, nor are they even in beer sleeves. It's not allowed, but it's for safety reasons as one broken bottle closes the pool for at least a day. A day with no pool takes away a big activity for the kids, and if it keeps our kids happy that dang pool is staying open even if we have to crack a few heads. Anyhow, back to the bull and horns, mom went and talked to security and they made them these idiots er...folks, get out of the pool. It's a head-shaker that they think they are so special they can take bottles into the pool & they've got kids too. OK, I've done my rant for the day.

Al and I had a fabulous day at Xpu-Ha Beach. We ate, we drank and we read & we enjoyed just 'us' time. We listened to the ocean without people talking or music playing, it was delightful. They have these big beanbag chairs that conform to your body and I gotta say they are the most comfortable thing I've ever sat on. We tried to swipe one but alas too big to fit in my purse 😉 We enjoyed a creme brulee, not as good as what Al makes but it was really tasty. We never get to spend a lot of alone time together so it was great. Al got to have me all to himself, the lucky guy 😉

We came back to the condo, and got purdied up for an evening on the town. The rest of the gang stayed in and Marth made hamburgers.

I bought this new black dress, it is loose on the top part, but the skirt is nice & fitting. Well we were out walking and I'm thinking I'm all that and two bags of chips and loooooking good, until I realize the dress if feeling really loose. Somehow from the time I left the condo, to a block or two away the elastic went? HUH? So now instead of a fitted dress, I was wearing a sack. Sheesh talk about taking the wind out of a gal's sails.

Anyhow, it started to rain so we ducked into this new lounge bar/restaurant on 5th called Aldea. It was stunning, bamboo and beautiful rocks throughout. We shared this stuffed chicken with goat cheese and zucchini and it was so tender and delicious we darn near licked the plate. The staff fussed over us, and the service may just be the best we've had in Playa. We got talking to the manager, and I found out they own 4 other restaurants in Playa and I've actually eaten at most of them considering there are hundreds and hundreds of restaurants to dine at here. We noticed at the back of the restaurant it was all open to the outside, lit with candles and waterfalls. WELL, they moved us outside at our request (not cause we were acting up!) and it is all tropical trees, waterfalls, and different levels for seating. It is one of the most spectacular settings we've seen and there are lots of beautiful settings here.

They gave us a round on the house which was really thoughtful. Our little waiter Rene, couldn't speak much English but he kept saying to Al while he pointed to me, "She's the Queen ey??? Haha...hey what did he mean by that? He was a real joker that lad.

We really want to go back, but it's more upscale and not for kids. Maybe if we pay Marth $2 per hour she'll watch the kids. Heck Lara's old enough to babysit now...I'll pay her $2 per hour to watch Martha (tee hee!)

Since it's an overcast day Al and I are going out walking and maybe get more info for my blogs for Playa Beach Condos & Villas. We're here almost another week, so that gives me time to get some ammunition. The two grandmas are out shopping with Ava, Ray and Martha are out walking on the beach (they are out walking a lot; I told Ray people are going to start talking about those two!!!)

Is there freezing rain in Ottawa today? I guess we'll just shut up about the little bit of cloud we have here right???

Oh gotta go, I hear the bell for margarita time! Oh hey, I think I saw one of those annoying kids get blown away down the beach...YAHOOOOOO, it's gonna be a good day...

Salsa & her Nachos

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1st February 2012

i can fix that dress for you
hi there, looks like you guys are having a great time... all is well with us, still awaiting some results... great news...we're having a grand DAUGHTER from our Karin. Having alot of trouble getting used to this computer so if you dont hear from me that's why..As far as your noisy friends are concerned... Ear plugs might help but a shot gun says it all... ha ha
1st February 2012

2nd week stay
Aww thanks Danielle, I will let you fix my dress! And congrats on being a grandmother of a grand daughter! Yay, tell Karin congrats! I will email you personally...love you guys too! PS looking at shotguns now!
1st February 2012

Hey Sally! Xpu-Ha Beach sounds very relaxing. The food looks fabulous. I email you earlier on the day you were sick but it never showed. Not sure if you will get this one. If you do, keep writing and taking pictures!
1st February 2012

Xpu beach
Linda! Sorry, I must have missed replying to your email! The beach is out of a travel brochure. We love it there, quiet, secluded and miles of ocean with your own space. You can stay there, I think they rent 4 cabins out and have added 2 small cabins for family. We are considering going for a night, just to experience it fully!! Thanks for the email!

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