Paradise Beach!

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January 30th 2012
Published: January 31st 2012
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A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.~

Well after a week here in Playa, we went on our first big adventure. Off we went to Paradise Beach on Cozumel Island today. Cozumel is about a half hour ferry ride across the sea. We took the 8 a.m. ferry which is huge. Double decker, and holds 450 passengers, with tables, comfy seats, bathroom, bar, TVs and even a guitarist playing playing Santana!

The sea was rough. HOW rough was it you ask? Well there was this poor woman that was pretty green, and ended up vomiting all over herself till they brought her a plastic bag. Lord she looked terrible & felt worse. This lasted the whole ride with this unfortunate woman tossing her cookies most of the way. You could tell her family felt so bad for her. And by the way, did I mention this unfortunate woman was ME?? Sweet Jaysus who's stupid idea was this? (Yep, mine ;(

Lord love a duck (and a sick woman 😉 When I started to feel seasick, I tried to get up to make my way to the bathroom cause who the hell wants to upchuck in front of everyone? Good luck Chuck trying to make it to the bathroom with the ferry rolling back and forth. I was pinballing between the walls like I was totally drunk (almost like last night hahahaha). When I finally got to the bathroom, the ferry shifted and I went flying into the sink. Since I was already there 😉 I ended up retching into the sink. By now there was nothing left to bring up. When I left the bathroom again a big wave threw me into someoneĀ“s lap...I noticed this one guy (probably used to riding the ferry) laughing at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him. I was inclined to give him the universal hand gesture (wink) but I needed both hands to hang on for dear life. Dumb butt, laughing at my expense. Poor Ava was really seasick too; our poor little gal.

Anyhow, on the ferry at 8 am people were ordering beer, on this crazy rocking ferry? HELLO? My heroes. When I finally got to sit down again, I was about to ask Al for a bag and then I retched into my napkin. Ah.

Then when I got off the ferry it started to rain (fittingly) and I was grumbling about who's big idea it was to go to Paradise Island and all fingers point to me. I rushed to get to the bathroom so I could toss my cookies again, as I'm feeling so seasick still. So I lean up against this wall with my eyes closed, and out of the corner of my eye I see this woman trying to cut the line in front of me. HELLO??? Did she really think I wouldn't notice she cut in front of me since my kid (Rory) was already in front of me??? HAH! You can be dang sure when I'm feeling good you ain't cutting any line, but when I'm greener than a shamrock doing the chicken walk trying not to throw up, NO ONE and I mean no one including Mother Teresa or my own mother (OK I'd let mom go) is cutting my freakin' line. If looks could cause injuries, she'd be in a full body cast. I looked at her and pointed; BACK OF THE LINE LADY...She moved quick...real quick, snappity snappity quick cause by then I was looking pretty deranged.

From the ferry it only was about 15 minute cab ride to Paradise Beach. Whoever thought Paradise Beach was a fitting name is a genius. It's absolutely manicured lawns, palm trees lining the walkway, the biggest pool I may have ever seen, tropical bars and a beach lined with chairs and off you go into the water. It's a water park with water trampolines, 14 foot climbing iceberg, water slides, a circular water rocker which is for 4 people to get on and you just rock back and forth, and paddle boards. They've got a bungee trampoline (kids loved it), and a coconut tree you climb and rapel back down. Included in your price is kayaks, snorkeling, and all the water activities. $12 US. You can order drinks and food all delivered to your oceanfront lounger by a private waiter. It was a great day and within half an hour of being there, the clouds moved out and HELLO sunshine. It was probably around 85 or so today.

They will take you on banana boat rides. 6 of us can fit on this inflatable banana thingie, and it's pulled behind a speed boat. OMG, it was such fun, he took us a few miles up the coast, then out into the ocean, then back. There was 5 of us; Al, myself, Lara, Rory and Martha. (Later in the day when we asked Ava if she'd like to go on a boat ride, she passed. In her words, "thank you but I've had enough boats for today!" At one point I turned around and Marth had this big sh*t eating grin on her face, and she was leaning back holding on with one hand like she was riding a bronco. There's nothing better than the ocean breeze in your hair, the spray of water on your face, and frankly, a big banana between your legs (well according to Martha anyhow hee-hee!)

This was not a margarita or a "liquor laughter" day for me. Al and Marth shared a beer bucket; 5 beers on ice, and I had one Caesar, and about 2 ginger ales for fear of that big bad ferry giving me a butt kicking on the way back!

Happy to report it was all good on the way home on the ferry. I kept my cookies to myself, but did wonder why Al decided to sit on the level above me?! Didn't "I DO" in our marriage vows include "in sickness and in health and the odd ferry ride"?

Will fill you in on part two of our day. Not nearly as exciting at all, but just too many photos to include. Don't forget to go all the way to the bottom to see our photos! (some of you had my blogs go into spam; just click on previous entry on this blog site and you'll see them all starting January 24th for this current trip!)

Yours truly,

Old green face & the Banana Boat Crew

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


31st January 2012

Paradise indeed.
Wow, I never had toys like this!..Water slides in the ocean...Now that is the life!!! Love to you and whole family, my sweet friend...Don't forget to put sand in your shoes so that I can shake it in bathtub to replicate your experience. :)
31st January 2012

Paradise Beach
Yes Zully I'll bring back some soft sand for you! There's nothing like it. Cozumel Island surprisingly wasn't near as nice as our sandy beach!
31st January 2012

Paradise Beach
Loved the blog...really funny.
31st January 2012

Sorry to hear about your sickness Sally. I'm sure it was funny afterwards. This place looks like fun. Keep the blogs coming and pictures too. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Miss ya!

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