Bali Bali Bali oh my!!!

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June 21st 2006
Published: June 21st 2006
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our travel team!!!!our travel team!!!!our travel team!!!!

Abby and Beji, Sherm and Diane, Merry and Jerry (Abby's Parents)
Hi All!!!!!

We'll here we are in Beautiful Bali, and what a sight it is to see!!!We met Abby's parents here along with their good friends Sherm and Diane. This country is REALLY beautiful. We're staying at a very nice hotel (much beyond our normal travel budget... but that what parents are for!!) in the town of Ubud. This town is known for it's amazingly beautiful art... which it absolutely is!

Bali is a small(ish) island in Indonesia surrounded by a volcano and the georgous Indian and Pacific oceans. The Balinese believe the Island sits upon the back of a giant Sea Turtle, and that their purpose here on Earth is to make it more beautiful. All throughout the country the people live in small villages, each specializing in one specific type of art. Some make amazing wood carvings, while another village will be known for its painting. Basket and Beadwork here is spectacular, as well as all the hand made Batiks (fabric paintings).

The majority of the people here practice a form of Hinduism, but it is mixed with Balinese tradition to create a fascinating religion. There are temples carved of stone everywhere, as well as intricately carved g-ds called "barongs" everywhere to protect the people. So close to Thailand, yet so very different.

Beside checking out all the local arts and crafts, we've been enjoying checking out the beautiful countryside. Driving around you see huge rice paddies and small villages as well as hundreds kites flying over head. It's really lovely here.

Yesterday we went with the 'rents to see an amzing temple that sits literally in the ocean. All hand carved out of the natural sandstone formation. We also went to the royal garden temple (though there is no longer a royal family here) and to one of the monkey temples. Benji especially enjoyied it when one of the monkeys climbed on his head to try to find more peanuts!!! (don't worry, we have pictures)

Tomorrow we're off to Bangkok for one more quick jaunt in Thailand before we head back to the US. We'll also spend a few days in Hing Kong on our way back. So sad to be toward the end of this portion of our journey... but, a wise man once said, " you must listen to your bank account."

Wishing you all well~
Abby and Benji

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Benji with some birdsBenji with some birds
Benji with some birds

these birds are part of the fabulous collection at the Antonio Blanco estate
get that monkey off my head!!get that monkey off my head!!
get that monkey off my head!!

Don't go for the eye...ouch!!

The Barang is the Balinese protector spirit... he's everywhere!!
Garden TempleGarden Temple
Garden Temple

This Temple was part of the Balinese Royalties property before they stepped down from the thrown
more monkeys!!!more monkeys!!!
more monkeys!!!

Abby Being harassed by a monkey for peanuts!
Goin' down the road, feelin great!Goin' down the road, feelin great!
Goin' down the road, feelin great!

Typical main street in Bali
Tanat LatTanat Lat
Tanat Lat

Temple By the Sea- This place is carved out of coastal sandstone deposit- Amazing!
We may be broke, but we have art!!!We may be broke, but we have art!!!
We may be broke, but we have art!!!

Abby with the Artist of one of the (many) georgous paintings we purchased in Bali
Bye Bye BaliBye Bye Bali
Bye Bye Bali

A view from the plane of Bali's own volcano

21st June 2006

Can't wait to mee you both!
Hi. Scott has told me so much about you both and I can't wait for your return to the US. It seems as if you have had (are having) an amazing adventure! I am sure you will have many stories to tell. Again, I look forward to meeting you. Please send my best to Merry, Gerry, Sherm and Diane. Best, Barbara
28th June 2006

Wish I was there!
Sounds gorgeous. Hope you are all having a blast. Safe travels home. Love to all!

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