Yeah I am certifiable...oops...I mean certified!

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
June 6th 2006
Published: June 6th 2006
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Our HotelOur HotelOur Hotel

Here's a view from our hotel room (the cheap room in the back) where Beni got Certified...not too shabby!
Hi there friends, family and random blog readers.
I am officially certified to scuba dive in open water. The course was really fun and diving with Abby after the course was even more fun. Unfortunately, some storms had passed through Koh Tao before we arrived and the visibiity was not its usually 30-60+ feet. We also found that for a small island there were an awful lot of divers and that the tour companies seemed to congregate at one dive site rather than spread out around the island, as a result there was a lot of traffic and damaged coral😞.
After finishing the course, however, Abby and I went around to the less populated side of the island and had two fantastic nights on a really quiet beach (Ao Leuk) with awesome snorkeling. In fact the snorkeling was better than the diving.
In addition to a secluded location there were huge geckos in our bungalow. Once we got over the surprise we were quite glad to have them there eating the mosquitos.
Well now we are on Koh Pha Ngan, the island famous for its full moon parties (they seem to party here just about any night of the month though).
view from the restuarantview from the restuarantview from the restuarant

on the other side of Ko Tao... so serene!
We have found ourselves in a quieter location (Baan Kai) where the partygoers won't bother us and we can enjoy some peace and quiet. The place we are staying is run by a thai guy and his wife who is American and went to UCSC (Yeah banana slugs!!!). In addition to the huge library and really nice bungalows they have a restaurant that serves Mexican food. Who knew that Thai Mexican food could be really good?! Abby and I have been feasting on burritos and tacos in addition to our favorite thai cuisine. Yum!
Today we went on a little adventure and hitched our way (don't tell mom and dad) into the main party town (Haad Rin) and took a longtail boat (water taxi, I have been itching to do this and it was really fun) to a spot that our friend Liam told us about (Haad Yuan and Haad Thien). We had a great time swimming (we can't swim by our bungalow because the tide is perpetually out this time of year) eating and getting Thai massage. It was absolutely beautiful! The water is the perfect color and temperature. But the day is almost over so we are just doing some e-mail in Haad Rin now and then we are back to our bungalow.
Here is my best description of Haad Rin: Imagine New Orleans in the third world (definitely not my favorite).
Well got to go catch the sunset and settle down for the night.
All our love,
Benji and Abby

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


One more great viewOne more great view
One more great view

I had to include this one!
Sunset Sunset

The beach at the Blue Lotus on Ko Phan Ngan
Mexican Food in Thailand??Mexican Food in Thailand??
Mexican Food in Thailand??

Again, the Blue Lotus rocks our world
Ferile Dog..Ferile Dog..
Ferile Dog..

Really Benji, you shouldn't pet those wild street dogs...

6th June 2006

Mexican food and 3rd world Big Easy
Glad you guys are having fun! I think I made a comment a while back in an email abot the mexican food in Thailand not being as good as the Thai food in Thailand. Well, I was joking at the time, but I now stand corrected. Who would've guessed!!??!! As for comparing Haad Rin to New Orleans in the Third World, with the state of the Big Easy these days it isn't too hard to imagine! Glad you guys are well...and do us all a favor...if you do things that in this country would be considered kinda dumb/dangerous (even if they are perfectly safe where you are), you know, like us all a favor and don't tell us about it. We worry... Love you both and can't wait to see you in Irvine when you get back (I'll be in LA that week looking for an apartment). josh

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