Bok Choy, Dumplings and Chinese Beer

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November 5th 2011
Published: November 5th 2011
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Ni Hao!

It’s been another great few days here in China, I can’t believe how well I’m settling and beginning to fall in love with the place! School got way better by the end of the week, and by my third day of classes – a lot of the kids would run up to me, hug me and scream “teacher Lauren! Teacher Lauren! – How are you? Nice to meet you!”. They couldn’t get any cuter, seriously. It feels great knowing that they are already learning my name and remembering me, considering there are SO many of these kids to remember myself, I am recognizing a few more each day.

We went to an amazing place for food the other night for dirt cheap prices! The boys introduced us to it and they call it Beer Square (unlike BBQ Square, which we went to for beers a few nights ago). The best way to describe this place would be like a market for food. It’s all set up as mini restaurants, and at the front is a long table with baskets of fresh veggies on skewers. You pick what you want to be cooked (we found a place with broccoli – score!) and they cook it up for you however you want it, plus chow mien on the side. It was so delicious and I want to eat there every single day haha.

Courtney and I also found bok choy (which no one here is aware of?! what!) and we are going through various recipes to find the best one and we will probably cook it every day. We love this vegetable SO much! So mission accomplished - bok choy search is a success! Now let's just hope the end result of these recipes are as successful.

Last night was my first experience of a Chinese bar/club. We headed out to dinner with Farook, Shy and Emily – and ended up at this cute Chinese restaurant (Chinese name which I can’t pronounce, but English name being something along the lines of the Dumpling Place). And that says it all – the dumplings at this restaurant were to die for. Everything is so fresh and delicious. So much for the idea that I would be losing weight here – I am going to indulge in this cuisine 110%! After dinner we headed over to Dominic’s apartment (another teacher from Poland) and had a pre drink. The beer bottles here that you can get in the convenient store are equivelent to 2.5 bottles of beer from home put into one. They are massive! So after a few of those we were ready to hit the town, and when I say this club was over the top, I mean it to the fullest degree. Chandeliers everywhere, it looked super VIP. The bar system here works totally opposite of home as well – instead of going up to the bar for each drink, you pick a table and each table gets a server. One person buys the first round of drinks and so on. The servers bring about 6/7 beers to the table which everyone shares and they serve you fruit (we got sugar cane, which I’m beginning to warm up to now). It’s such an awesome experience!! This morning’s hangover definitely was signs of a good time last night. And of course in tradition of North American nights out, we hit up McD’s for a double cheeseburger before heading home – all in all a GREAT time!

What’s in store for tonight? Head massages and more delicious Chinese food – YUM!
Tomorrow Courtney and I are heading to the other Bond school in the near by city called Shiqi (shee-kee) – I probably didn’t spell that right, but you get the idea! We’re going to observe the classes there, which we will be teaching I assume next Sunday. Im excited to see a new city and experience a new environment! We also have to plan a weekend to Hong Kong soon to get some Visa things sorted out, I’m really excited to get there for a few days because I LOVED it when we were driving through it the day we flew in.

Time to get ready for dinner here,
Also before I sign off for now, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Chris and Karlie as their wedding is tomorrow and I TOTALLY wish I could be there to celebrate! Love you both xox


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5th November 2011

bok choy entry!!
awesome blog entry love, those dumplings sound delicious!! everyone looks great!! keep eating those veggies!!
9th November 2011

Hey Lauren
Really pleased to see you're having a great time over in the East (no, not East Belfast ;) ). Let me know when you would like to Skype. Lynsey and I would love to have a chat sometime! Did you see the MTV awards were in Belfast the other day? It was very surreal. Take it easy. xo
10th November 2011

LOL. looks like your having a blast! xx

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