Off to Japan

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October 15th 2011
Published: October 12th 2011
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We are heading off to Japan on Sunday...the second trip for me and the 6th for Bill. We will be staying with my brother Matt. Our last trip there was in 2002, before I started blogging, so I have only memories as reference. It was one the most fun trips we've taken. Japan takes silliness seriously, from clothes to fads to TV game shows. Everyone we met was so very helpful. One man actually walked us from one train to another (far out of his way) to make sure we got on the correct train line. Work and school hours are long, streets are packed at 11:30 pm, trains are crowded and no weekend culture is part of the tradition, but there is much energy everywhere. Can't wait to get back! We hope to visit Nikko and Kamakura and do some back road bicycling....

Here are some photos from our summer here in the Skagit...

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Swinomish drummers and dancersSwinomish drummers and dancers
Swinomish drummers and dancers

Preparing for the protocols on the last day of the Paddle
Me and Mom in CTMe and Mom in CT
Me and Mom in CT

Celebrating her 80th and my 60th!

12th October 2011

Thank you for your travel blogging! We will certainly look forward to your adventures in Japan. Have a safe trip there. M & M & E
12th October 2011

I was just thinking about you two. So glad we\'re going to stay connected! We have been to Jamaica since we saw you last and I have hiked on the Appalachian Trail in April and in Iceland in August. We\'re still discussing Winter travels. Are you going to Africa? Wow! When? In the meantime, we\'ll look forward to hearing about Japan. Have a safe trip and a great experience. Belated feliz cumpeaƱos, Lynn. Carol and Martin
12th October 2011

I was just thinking about you two. So glad we\'re going to stay connected! We have been to Jamaica since we saw you last and I have hiked on the Appalachian Trail in April and in Iceland in August. We\'re still discussing Winter travels. Are you going to Africa? Wow! When? In the meantime, we\'ll look forward to hearing about Japan. Have a safe trip and a great experience. Belated feliz cumpeaƱos, Lynn. Carol and Martin
12th October 2011

Have fun on your trip Lynn and Bill. Can\'t wait to see pictures from this far away land!
13th October 2011

World Travelers
Lynn and Bill So wonderful to receive all your blogs Have a marvelous time. I remember when Diane left for Japan. It seemed so far away. Glad to see the picturea of you and your mom and Luke and his girlfriend and our little Gabriel Love Shirley
14th October 2011

pay it forward
Lynn, About the man who went out of his way to make sure you got on the right train, if ever there was an entire country or a culture that embraces "pay it forward", Japan would be my choice. Although it's been nearly 50 years since I lived there for three years, it's encouraging to hear that kindness still happens. It is such a wonderful experience to encounter people like that wherever. I miss living there. "go ni irrette wa, go ni shita ga e". Best wishes, baker

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