China Town

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September 25th 2011
Published: September 25th 2011
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Ok living in a city of 18 million people not far from China you would think there would be a big vibrant China town. I had heard two versions, one it was great but from a guy on the course who lives here I was told not to bother. Ignoring him I head off there Friday evening and let me tell you it was a great disappointment. Now before I go to far, it may be my fault, maybe I missed the nice parts. I was for almost an hour though and I was in Chna town as all the signs were Chinese. Anyway I will let the pictures tell the story. The one nice thing was the temple, beautiful.

Week three of the course is done, one more to go. This week I get to teach a a grade one class that knows very little english, does not sound like fun. Fortunately I get to meet them on Tuesday for a fun day and then Wednesday I actually teach three classes of them!

This will be the last week of the course, now I have to decide if I actually want to stay and teach or if I want to head back to Canada. Will likely give myself a few weeks to decide. The new school term only starts on November 1 so I have some time to find work.

Other than that it is fairly quiet, it is a pm here as I write. I just went to the lobby planning on going for a walk but the heat is wicked today so I think I will wait till it cools off a bit this evening. It was only supposed to get to 32 today which it is but with the humidity it is 37!

In my last blog I told you about the guy I met who gave tours of Mount Everest. Today I hear a plane crashed there killing a number of tourists and staff. Very sad, hope is was not one of them.

Anyway I will add some pics. Talk to you next weekend.

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26th September 2011

Hey, Barry, if you want Chinatown(s), you can come to Toronto! Will your teaching sessions with the first graders be on Youtube?
27th September 2011

I think ?Toronto's is better. The kids could be on u-tube, they are so cute. All 150 of them in Kindergarten, all in uniform. Today was fun day so I got to carry the egg in the spoon with all of them! Had my picture taken many times, many proud parents seing their kids carry the egg and "talking" with the english teachers!

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