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Asia » Singapore
May 31st 2006
Published: May 31st 2006
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hello everybody well the travels have started and we are happy and save all going well so far. I'm getting used to the staring I just smile at them and they look away. We spent 4 nights in Singapore its a big huge expensive city with shopping malls everywhere 10 stores high, while we were there we did a day tour around the city and a boat cruise they are crazy drivers they scare the shit out of me. Also did a night tour(thanks Michelle) and the best thing was the night safari we were on a tram going through the rainforest no fences between us just a gully, we seen rhinos tiger lions sloths zebras giraffes monkeys and heaps more it was so cool!! Then we headed by bus to Kuala Lumper the bus's here are really nice heaps of room and cheap. Stayed in China town in Kuala Lumper for 2 nights another huge city but alot dirtier than Singapore they litter everywhere it was sooo much cheaper than Singapore thank god. We did another day tour which took us to Bautu Caves 400 million year old
caves they have temples built inside amazing place wild monkeys everywhere we had a run in with the monkeys Clint's fault he couldn't help himself he had to touch them and they went crazy scared the shit out of me. They are much more friendlier in Malaysia than Singapore sooooo rude in Singapore . Now we are in Cameron Highlands up in the mountains its beautiful I'm glad to get out of the cities it was a horrible bus ride here i was scared didn't think we were going to make it, its a very windy road and the driver was flying we were an hour early. It's alot cooler up here everywhere we go it rains its mostly clear for the morning then by the afternoon it raining thunder and lightning. First day we went to the Hindu festival they are crazy not sure what its called but they stick hooks through there backs and face and parade through they streets there's alot of dancing and singing. Yesterday we did a full day discovery tour it took us to the highest peak in the highlands got some good shots then to a tea plantation its everywhere up here a bush walk through the Forrest it was like a billy goat track got covered in mud good fun the guides were great they know so much about the area, then in the arvo we went into a Malaysian tribe it was unreal we were sitting in the huts with the chief we all weren't sure what to do they made us food and tea and we all had a go at the blow darts I sucked and Clint was the best at it ofcourse!! The hostel we are staying in is cool its a old place there's heaps of people there to talk to and get info of.Tomorrow we head to Penang Island hopefully we'll see some sunshine well that's about it hope all is good over your side of the world take care
Love Jamie and Clint


31st May 2006

Big City
Singapore is Big on Shopping Malls everywere you go there are shopping malls.

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