Happy Birthday to Mike!

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May 29th 2006
Published: May 29th 2006
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Although far away from home, we still celebrated Mike's bday in true Mike fashion: lazy morning...didn't head out from the hostel until noon, then walked around the French Concession for a bit, and then we happened into an Irish pub to celebrate with a pint of Guinness (or three). While we love Tsingtao, the national Chinese beer, Mike's bday definitely called for Guinness!

After spending the afternoon at the pub, chatting up a guy from County Mayo who works for Westinghouse and has lived in Shanghai for 4 years (he was at the pub before going BACK to work at 11pm to consult to the Chinese on the Shanghai subway...sure, we feel safe now), we decided to head on. A bit of walking later we landed at meat heaven...the Brasil Steak House, where for $9.50 it was all you can eat salad, sides, dessert and most importantly meat. I sampled some of the side things, Mike saved his game for the meat. An hour later we were done in...but Dad, the caipirinhas would have done you proud.

Now we're back at the hostel where we've made friends with some Brits, a chicago guy who's going to be going to NWU law school etc... I'm guessing Mike might have made room for a few more beers...



30th May 2006

See you in HK
Happy B-day, Mike! I celebrate mine in a couple weeks. Brasil steak house in Shanghai? East meets South American...
1st June 2006

Happy Birthday Mike! And great blog!
Finally got onto your blog and have really enjoyed it - especially the pics! Looks like a great vacation so far. Now I'm back in AA after four weeks of traveling (merely the US - AK and CO) and am jealous of your exploits. And I'm 2 days into my summer internship - so far so good. Dave and Dayna say hey. Best of luck in the months ahead!
5th June 2006

Happy Birthday from Ashgabat!
Mike, I almost completed my mission to get to Turkmenistan and send you a postcard with Turkmenbashi. I need only one thing - the address where to send it to ) I got here five days ago and still working on getting a ticket back... it's a hassle... so, you have at least two days to send me an address (rommer@gmail.com) p.s. jeff, salam aleykum!
7th June 2006

Happy Belated B-Day
Congrats Mike. It will always be easy for me to remember your birthday; mine is the 30th. I just joined the big 3-0 club; how long until you get there? The blog is great and I hope you continue to enjoy the wonderful trip!

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