Great Barrier Reef

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February 10th 2011
Published: February 10th 2011
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Fitzroy IslandFitzroy IslandFitzroy Island

We dropped some people off here when sailing out to the reef - I nearly got off and joined them
Hello all, just a quick update today as I'm short on time but I had to tell you all what a fantastic experience the Great Barrier Reef was! The ride out to the outer reef was on a catarmaran and all the staff made a big thing about seasickness - they predicted a bumpy ride as we were crossing the shipping channels. I'm a good traveller so didn't take anything for seasickness and I was fine. It was however a very bumpy ride and I have never seen so many people be sick in one place. The staff stand around wearing gloves watching for people who are about to barf - it's a good job they get to spend the other parts of their working day on the reef to compensate. Trouble is when the boat's crashing around a quick dash outside to be sick is not easy - I saw at least one person bump their head on the way out. Anyway - snorkelling on the reef was an amazing experience. I've never snorkeled before so went on a guided snorkel safari with a marine biologist for my first trip out. It gave me confidence because she made sure my equipment fitted properly and dragged us round on a life buoy. She swam round and stopped to show us things and explained about life in the reef for the beautiful animals that live there. My sister knows I'm normally not a fan of swimming amongst the fish but on this occasion I didn't mind. When we'd finished our guided tour I went to get some lunch and then went back in for a solo snorkel. Just amazing!!!!! Anyway - my time is nearly up and I have to go and get some dinner but I'll provide more details on my reef expereince in a future update. Bye for now - next update will hopefully come from Daydream Island.......

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13th February 2011

Am I the only one following your travels? As I told you, the snorkeling was the best day of Rhee's life[ she was8 ] Paddy bobbed around like a cork. Glad you were able to experience the reef. I wnt out on a glass bottomed boat, all was well till someone was sick then it was back to the Cat! So missed out on a lot. Take care and continue to enjoy your trip, hope it is dry. Bye for
14th February 2011

Fishy Fishy
Lord above swimming with fish - you'll be telling me you've started to like fish and chips next . . . .
15th February 2011

Hello Emm
hi you, wow you are having an amazing time, the photo's are fab, however, don't take anymore photo's of yourself it's scary. lol....snorkling hey, that's quite an art, we went snorkeling in Tenerife last week to look at Turtles (didn't see any), poor pete got a great big mouthful of sea water !! It's so lovely reading about your adventures, have fun and keep your eyes peeled for a fit Ozy surfer, perhaps on Daydream to you, from Alli Dom n Daisy x
15th February 2011

I've never been snorkelling .. something I've always wanted to do. Glad you're having a brill time xxxx

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