Intro to my blog

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February 10th 2011
Published: February 10th 2011
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Hello! So I feel like I shouldn't have to introduce myself or anything because the only people that should be reading this blog are people that know me and why I'm writing this blog, but I've never written or even read a blog before so I don't know proper blogging etiquette. Well, here it goes:

My name is Christine Weingarten and I am a junior at Washington University in St. Louis spending a semester abroad studying anthropology at University of Queensland. After an almost 2 month long winter break, I'm finally starting to realize that I will actually be leaving for Australia in TWO DAYS and I figured I had better get this blog going otherwise it would never happen. I have been so lucky to have been able to work with Marbles: The Brain Store to keep me busy and off the couch for the most part but I still have managed to get my fill of TV and made significant progress on my reading list and now I'm good and ready to go!

Well, if you already know about the program I am doing this might be a kind of boring BUT if you don't, read on my friend, read on. I will be spending 4 months in Australia from February 11-June 26. The first 4 days will be spent in Sydney as a pre-semester trip with some people from my school and other schools all studying abroad at UQ this coming semester. The entirety of those days are planned from minute-to-minute and it all sounds amazing: bush walking, surf lessons, beaches, zoos, koalas and kangaroos. After that we fly from Sydney to Brisbane and get settled in our colleges--colleges are their term for dorms except from what I've heard they have a little bit of a Harry Potter twist on them, apparently we hold competitions between colleges and only eat with our college. This is way different from WashU and I'm excited to try it out. The college I'm living in is called Emmanuel, which is the biggest college on campus and I am really excited about it. My classes haven't been set in stone yet because they have a different system with lectures and break out sessions so I will figure most of that out when I get there.

ONE MORE THING: I went to a podiatrist today because my foot has been bothering me for a couple days now and apparently I strained a tendon in my foot. Horrible timing, I know, but I'm not to let it set me back in any way. I also don't want to talk about it much here because a whine-y blog is just not fun for anyone so hopefully it'll get better soon (doctor said at least a few weeks) but even if it doesn't I won't be writing about it. This isn't denial because I have learned denial is impossible with foot injuries--I am reminded with each step I take. Anyways no more whining.

That's all for now, feel free to email or facebook me now or whenever although I don't know how much I'll be on the internet the first couple of weeks. Next time I post I'll be on the other side of the world!

How do blog posts usually end? I haven't the slightest idea. I'll try a Demetri Martin joke:

Thank you for reading my blog. I fear dolphins.


10th February 2011

dolphins can be aggressive swimmers!
10th February 2011

You are amazing
Christine, Please take care of your foot. Be mindful to walk while on the plane, so it will not swell up too much. It may hurt, but movement is better than not in that air pressure. Have a full day today beginning with a BHE for City of Chicago, another in the middle and than concluding with a MM meeting at Eden Supportive Living. Shall report later.
10th February 2011

11th February 2011

this blogger is grateful AND interesting!

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