Brocade Tapestry

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January 23rd 2011
Published: January 23rd 2011
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By Melisse.
In other times and places, when I tell people my interests are art and science, I am often met with a perplexed look. "That's an unusual combination," some reply. Not so in Homer. People like me are a dime-a-dozen. It is fun to be around so many people who focus on nature with a keen curiosity of how it works as well as how magnificently beautiful and amazing it is. That being said, I have little knowledge about the sciences other than biology. The rich patterns the frost makes when it forms upon ice is breathtaking. There must be physics and chemistry causing it to happen but I currently know nothing about that. Instead I just focus on the exquisite beauty of design of these brocade tapestries and capture in photographs something that is fragile and ephemeral. I share them with you here.

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 22


23rd January 2011

Melisse, these are some of my favorite things to look at....additive complex, perfect forms.....over the summer there was an exhibition at the gardens of these very kinds of formations and they were stunning....just like less stunning... Hey, are you familiar w/ a geological event that happened around Missoula in the mid 1800's I think, where a torrent of water cut through the hills and carved out incredible forms?....I think there was a nova about it?...that is more subtractive.....nature/science and art.....beautiful!!!! Love
23rd January 2011

missouri winter
melisse ----your photos of the ice are so wonderful------i'm sure you've heard from others----we are having a snowy beautiful winter here-------yesterday hiking through the woods in 10 " of snow ----sunshine making intense blue shadows everywhere!!! we are loving it-----i'm glad you are doing well-----best of luck with your sonoma job search------emma wags to quito hugs julie
25th January 2011


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