Thank you and Merry Christmas

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December 23rd 2010
Published: December 23rd 2010
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Firstly, thank you all so much for the wonderful messages you have been posting on our blog. Paul and I read them with much delight, and appreciation. We are sorry not to have replied, but things at the moment are still quite busy (chaos reigns in fact). Please know that your messages are being read, and hopefully once we are on the road (four more sleeps!!!), more relaxed and with more time on our hands (!?!) we will start replying to our messages. (Also, please note that if you post a message it first needs to be approved this end before it appears).

A propos getting ourselves organised, our caravan is coming along, and in fact our stuff is fitting in quite far. My father has constructed a little desk for me to give me a ‘permanent’ work space where I can then read my emails etc in peace. The boys had to wash the car today - much to their dismay - but Oliver came up with a very innovative - and quick - way to clean the inside; he used the garden blower (Paul took over at the front for the slightly more delicate parts of the car). Meanwhile Quinn has made himself at home in the caravan, and has established his own little workspace.

Well, it is very late (11.30pm). Have been up wrapping Christmas presents for tomorrow (we celebrate on Christmas Eve and expect Santa to be making an appearance. Hopefully he received the boys’ letters advising him that they will not be in Joburg this year, and the need for small presents only!!) Paul and I wish you all a wonderful, wonderful Christmas.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


23rd December 2010

Happy Christmas
A very happy christmas to you all! Wishing you all the very best as you embark on your grand, wild adventure! With love, Renate and Kyra
23rd December 2010

Get Travellin'
I'm anxiously awaiting the start of your journey. I will be following you with envy. You are doing what I would love to do again. We spent 3 months, 19,000km travelling anti-clockwise a couple of years ago. Enjoy your journey.
23rd December 2010

Work bench
Danke. Euch auch ein tolles Weihnachten und hoffe das die Geschenke auch wirklich klitzeklein bleiben. Und auch einen guten Rutsch. Hope you don't get to use that "work bench" too much - or alternatively re-christen it. R
24th December 2010

Merry Christmas!
24th December 2010

Merry Xmas
Hi Guys, Hope you all have a Merry Xmas. Do you have a good explanation for the kids as to why Santa's accent has changed to an Ozzie one since last year? Dennis
24th December 2010

Merry Christmas
Love the pics of the caravan, it looks quite luxurious inside. We are missing you in Joburg, especially Grant as he has been very lonely these last few days but I go on leave later today and it is off to the coast on Tuesday to spend some time at Blue Horizon Bay with my family and then to set Richard up for his new school, Grey. We will also be celebrating Christmas tonight (Mom-in-laws German tradition) so when I leave work at 12 today it is going to be rush rush rush but well worth it. Steve has bought a lovely Christmas album so the music has been getting us all in the mood for the festivities. Send our love to the boys and let them know that they are missed but the adventure is well worth it and the weather in Joburg has been awful so they aren't missing much this side. To you and Paul all the best for Monday's big set off.
26th December 2010

Happy 2011
Hi to the Marketos clan. I am enjoying your blog very much! Ian & I have been in Magalies and returned today. As always we feel rejuvenated and whole after time in nature. Wishing you a very adventurous and happy 2011. Keep breathing! Love Jenny
26th December 2010

received a copy of your blog from claire & Family could you add my name to your mailing list as I am interested in that upside country down under and your adventures if one day i can afford to retire ... i might even consider a visit as i wont be able to go europe in winter - no winter clothing -- so enjoy and very best wishes --- und guten rutsch ins Neue Jahr -- Kurt Scheurer em
29th December 2010

Let's get going!
Can't wait for you guys to get going, looking forward to seeing all your pictures and reading about your adventure play by play. Hope you have a safe journey....have an awesome trip man happy new year and all that other still Gavin
30th December 2010

Hi travel-clan, wishing you a happy travel year. When is the map to show your progress coming to the blog? This is the daily highlight to us of the office ilk.
9th January 2011

happy travels
Delighted to have found your blog. Sooo glad you haven't started in Q'land - hope we can get the climate sorted before you arrive! Really looking forward to following your adventures and SEEING you all later in the year. xxx

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