Day 16???? I hope? ( wrote slot for a slow day)

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December 16th 2010
Published: December 16th 2010
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Day, uhhh seriously what day is it? Let's just say 16! Yeh that'll work!! 

Now with all my creative flowing juices I will endeavour to reveal the excitement of my day! 

Zzzzz *snort*.... *grumble*... Huh?!?!? Oh I fell asleep in my creative juices! My day was as boring as the conversation between an auditor And a lawyer! Reaaaal! I slept in till eleven so nothing néw there! Then mum and dad threatened to go shopping! So to my few loyal readers who have been with me since the start I can imagine my use of 'threaten' and 'shopping' in the same sentence may come as a bit of a shock to u! The number of stores I have seen I the last two weeks is more than I have gone to in my whole qld year! I can't take it Any more I just can't! See I hate shopping in aust (unless it's op shops!! (love sencond hand books)) . So I love international shopping but in small doses! Think of Mary popins! A spoon full of sugar is nice! But I have had the sugar bowl stuffed down my throat! (sugar meaning shopping for u slow ones out there) and I love u fast or slow! I think I digressed so much that I lost my point! Wat am I talking about? Ah yes! Well needless to say, I declined! Especially when the shop they were going to was one we just went to yesterday! Annnnnd it is so expensive that u can't afford anything! Practical? I think not!!!!! So I gave mum and dad a curfew back by 4 ... Yes pm! And when do they get back? 5:40!!!

By this time I am infuriated and taking it out on the poor treadmill! *sniff* it never had a chance! U know what frustrates me about treadmills? U run and run and get no where in life! Like, haven't u ever seen a hampster in a running wheel!? It runs like it's life depends on it Nd u sit back and laugh at it's poor existence! Tap the glass cage and it runs faster! Haha!! But yes! Yes that is like us! We r hampsters! Me included! So sad! I digress, ... Again (I gotta stop doing that!) 

So I finish after 40 min ( now I can justify my icecream!!!) and they are home!!!! And tell me we r having company! The witnesses I met a few days ago! Remember them? Well all of em came over for coffee! Spoke spiritual things the whole time! I had a blast! I love exchanging experiences! That was lovely and the highlight of my day! 

Last thing. Found out that in my fav sitcom the two main characters break up! So devestated!!!! The producers better fix that breakup quick smart! He loves her for crying out loud! Ok I'm done being A chick! Ok till tomorrow my pretties!!!

Lauri xx


16th December 2010

Helloooooooo !
Thanks for the update . . . Say hi to the rest of your family :) Bill Ams

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