Our Journey To The Jungle - Chiang Mai

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November 21st 2010
Published: November 21st 2010
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Sawadee from Poolside at our hotel Chiang Mai! (sawadee is 'hello' in Thai)

So a quick recap on how we got from the U.S. To Chiang Mai: I boarded a plane in Chicago around 1130am Thursday morning... 13.5 hours later I arrived in Seoul, South Korea. The flight was longest I had been in my life and here are a few observations:

* I need to get rich ASAP so I can sit first class. I was stuck in the middle + barely had room to stretch my legs. It felt really claustrophobic and I was on the brink of imploding at the people sitting next to me trying to take my arm rest space! Haha!

* Why people travel with infants for 13.5 hr flights is beyond comprehension. This should be outlawed.

* Korea Air has outstanding on-air entertainment. Watched 4 episodes of some show called the Tudors. 6 more to go!

Nham chimes in....

* American airlines need to take a cue from Korean air and hire on some good looking Asian stewardesses

* Asians are a loud and unruly bunch that throw all decent manners out the window when traveling in hordes

* I was almost late for my connecting flight to Bangkok, leaving me to sprint through the airport; one more thing crossed off my bucket list

So I met Nham in Seoul. We both had a very tight windows of time to make the connecting flight to Bangkok. Luckily, we both had a mile to walk to get to our connecting flight. I got to the gate first + frantically searched for Nham. I was aching for human interaction that didn't involve battling for arm rest space. With Nham nowhere to be found and our flight starting to board - it dawned me how much I take for granted having a cell phone. In the US a call would have eased the situation, but in Seoul all I had was hope that Nham would make it.

Quick sidebar: Seoul Incheon airport is ridiculously nice. More like a shopping mall than airport. Koreans must really love their cosmetics - never seen so many Make-Up sales counters in my life. I didn't really partake in any Korean culture in my short time there. I only managed to score a Vitamin Water, Water, and use the facilities. All pretty much the same as the U.S.

Nham barely made it on time for our flight. We did the awkward half hand shake / half hug, lamented over the first leg of our trip, and it was off to Bangkok.

Got in late to Bangkok and made it out of the airport. Exiting the arrival gate was like stepping into another world, familiar yet unrecognizable. The friendliness of the Thais was immediately made apparent by strangers helping us find our shuttle bus to our hotel; that and our cell phone.

After a longer than advertised ride to our hotel (during which i thought we were being taken to a discrete location to be robbed and murdered) we arrived at the Convenient Grand hotel where we were directed to our room that reeked of a rusty toolbox and lacked a shower curtain. We slammed some beer and Thai pringles and went to bed only to wake up at 4 AM.

Laa Korn for now... We are currently in Chiang Mai + it has been unbelievable. So much to talk about. We will have a mega update in a few days about the Calm Chaos that is Loi Krathong festival in Chiang Mai!

Holler back at yo boys,

Chris + Alex


21st November 2010

thai pringles
I'm not sure what thai pringles are, but i want to try them now. Glad you guys are having an epic time.. i want to read about more crazy adventures. Raphael
22nd November 2010

On the 4th time reading this, I still have the same reoccurring thoughts: 1) It doesn't matter how long the flight is, infants shouldn't be allowed to fly, period. If my dog can't ride in my seat with me, neither should my child. 2) I second Raphael. What is a Thai Pringle? 3) Korean airport doesn't have Gatorade? WTF? 4) This is very well-written. Caitlin
22nd November 2010

is this the new yackdabomb.com?
23rd November 2010

Really enjoyed reading your first blog post....keep them coming! Agree with Caitlin....v.well written. Happy Thanksgiving guys.. p.s.does Thailand have turkey???

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