El Dia Secunda en Buenos Aires

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October 27th 2010
Published: October 27th 2010
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Today is my second day in Buenos Aires. Yesterday, due to the fitful sleep on the plane my biological clock needed to be reset, so I walked from the hotel in the bright sunlight ( pineal gland on alert ) to a bank to use the automatic teller, which was not successful for me, a bit worrisome, but I will work it out. Then went to sleep in the middle of the afternoon. Woke up at some unknown time ( watch not corrected for local time ) and went to the lobby to talk with the very nice reception clerks. Found out it was 8 pm, so went to the local restaurant attached to the hostel again and had a very good plate of salumi, two kinds of cheeses, olives, and a basket of bread with a glass of red wine for dinner. Then went walking locally and found that the streets were alive with many walkers, families and children. Very nice.

Today I found out that it is a day of the national census, so everything is closed, including the Recolata cemetary which I planned to visit before leaving to take a bus south tomorrow to Bariloche. So may have to spend another day here, not a hardship at all. I checked my email, and I had received a message from my cicerone, a local guide who is part of a volunteer network in BA, ands she and I plan to meet later this afternoon after the census taker has arrived at her home to take census information. She said that Recoleta is closed today but she and I can take a walk. Sounds great.

The hostel had their breakfast at the upstairs bar area since the usual place, the restaurant below where I have been eating, is closed. Breakfast was media luna, croissants, or toast, with coffee with butter and little containers of dulce de leche.

The sky is a little overcast and the temperatures in the mid seventies F. It will be a nice day.


27th October 2010

Sandy: Good morning. I wrote you back yesterday and wonder if you're getting these comments? There is a box at the bottom of your blog for submitting them, but wonder if you're receiving them?
27th October 2010

Hi Marilyn
I did get your comment, but I´m still learning how to use this blog site, so I´m hoping that you get this response back. I will send another message to you via my gmail just to be sure. This is an amazing place.

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