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October 15th 2010
Published: October 15th 2010
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The VillageThe VillageThe Village

Houses were basic, you really can't see but there is a lady working on a loom under the house
Hi eveyone,did a day trip yesterday to the highest point in Thailand. The views are spectacular they tell us. It rained so hard, the fog was so thick and the temperature was so cool we did not spend a lot of time taking pictures!! The worst thing was though that I got bitten by a mosquitoe, so i am a little worried and that was after having lathered myself with inscet repellent that I bought here in Thailand. Should have been smarter and wore long sleve shirt!

Any way the day was fun, even though we had these problems. We did have a great group, one man alone from Holland who works for the Catipillar Company and he travels world wide, his wife could not join him beacuse she is working on the Ivory Coast and his daughter works for Doctors without Borders in Chad, Shannon you would love this family. The mom's job is to make sure the peoplpe who supply materials to the company she works for do not use child labour, so she visits all these farms/plantations in Africa checking this out. The daughter goes into small villages, determines what health issues they have and then develops

More ladies making scarves
a plan to help them fix the cause of the illnesses.

There was a young couple from Jordan now living in Dubai, he is a Structural Engineer consultant, think she was at home. There was a couple from Berlin who travel extensively, they wer both engineer types too, they were older than me. The final twosome was a mother daughter, Malaysian now living in Singapore. She never put her I phone down!! The daughter that is.

The hightlight for me was the stop at a very isolated village where formr Burmese residents live. They support themselves by farming and weaving, the workmanship was superior.

We also stopped at a market on the side of the road where at least 4 generations were working. LIttle kids 4 - 5 years old to very ancient looking grandmothers. It was quite a site but. They numerous fruit, I bought some dried plums, they were to die for. It was pouring rain, it was a little cld, it was dirty but everyonewas smiling and laughing. It was another eye opener on what is really important and it wa obvious from them that being there together was the most important thing.

We saw some more waterfalls, one where we got soaked from the fall, the rain had not tarted yet!

So that is about it, I am in Bangkok now at a small hotel ear the airport, it is pouring rain so I think I am secluded for the day, not much around here to see. Still trying to get an update on Vietnam weather, does not look bad but I don't see any more mention of a typhoon. Have to make a decision soon!!

Take care

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The villagers are Catholic

This is the one where we got wet!

15th October 2010

Thumbs up!!
Really enjoying your blog - keep it up! Really want to go to Vietnam, hope you get to go there so I can find out more about it! Cheers, Jonathan (Cardiff. UK)
16th October 2010

As per my blog today it looks like Vietnam is off, we have suffered two Hurricanes in m y home town and the family are very concerned that I would intentionally put myself in another one!! I have it from people who have been there that you won't give Thailand a second thought if you go to Vietnam so go if you can. Lots and lots of Brits here in Thailand I tell you, I think they would be considered a minority race here HA

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