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October 5th 2010
Published: October 5th 2010
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long b each ko lanta
back in thailand
its nice to be back
we entered thailand through the east coast of malasia , the books say dont go this way its dangerous with thais and muslims fighting not a problem just loads of army checkpoints
up through east thailand not many westerners we found our way back to krabi for a few days then back to ko lanta where we are back at time for lime with the dogs and cats
its harder graft this time as well as looking after the animals we do the garden till about 1pm have some lunch and back on later to walk an feed the dogs and cats we are doing easily a 7- 8 hour day and its hard work 6 days a week
however last week we hired a motorbike drove down south and stayed at a resort on our day off and had a excellent indian curry by the beach and a spot of sun soaking
most of the resorts are starting to open up now and it has a nicw feel about the place
this week there are a team of vets from phuket who are staying here a week on a

a sea gypsy fisherman off to work
animal sterilization programme, they go out and capture wild dogs and take them back to the clinic and give them the old chop , hoping to go with them if i get time they use blow darts to stun the dogs i am wanting to make a film about it see what happens
i was asked to write a piece for a backpacker magazine witch is published next month , and been asked to write another one for another magazine theres hope for me yet
we have till about 25 october then we can extend our visa for 30 days then we have to start thinking on what to do next

soon be xmas

killed my first snake the other day it was him or me

jez and berni


5th October 2010

Hi Jez
Hi Jez, all sounds like a brilliant experience, not sure I could cope with some of the less salubrious places you've slept 'sheds, floors and creepy crawlies etc although I do recall sleeping with cockroaches and in an ants nest while in the States but I think I've softened up since then. Showing Burmese orphans the jungle book sounds like fun. The animals were probably what they are used to seeing. Glad it is all going well for you and good luck with getting a new visa. Kodak have just given me a permanent contract so looks like I will be staying put. I'll look out for your columns in the newspapers and maybe Jez Brooksbank reporting for Sky News eh?

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