On the way home

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April 18th 2006
Published: April 18th 2006
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Hi all
I know it's been a long time since I have blogged but we had the kids over to stay and had an absolute ball with them. The next week was spent recovering and then we had a break over Easter with every intention of updating the blog with lots of details and photos. Alas had a bit of a good time in Boyup Brook (find that in your atlas!) with a great bunch of square dancers and were all ready to hit the computer today.

Unfortunately we got the bad news this morning that my mum, the famous Billie, was fading fast and then came the call this evening that she has finally gone to God. So we are in York about 100 kms east of Perth and have got a flight home tomorrow. Will be in Sydney tomorrow night and then up the mountains to my brother's place to make all the arrangements. I feel very sad but she did have an exceptional innings and passed away peacefully with my brother Rob by her side. Can't ask for much more can you. So will leave it at that for the time being but will be back with lots of news and photos when we return to Perth in a week or so to continue the journey.

Love to all



20th April 2006

Hope you are ok and got home. Our thoughts a re with you, Gene has to start chemo next week, will you go back to where you were? Luv
5th May 2006

Are you back on the track yet.The trip must go on eh? No doubt things will get sorted out with time fond regards Rob

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