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September 4th 2010
Published: September 4th 2010
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Julia Rose An CampbellJulia Rose An CampbellJulia Rose An Campbell

Taken at about 9 months of age.
Welcome to Expedition Julia.
This is the story of how the Campbells finally found their daughter Julia Rose An. We've been looking for her for over 3 years now!
(We're a bit on the slow side that way.)

We checked in every room, under every bed, inside every closet, and even in the dusty space behind the fridge.
Goodness Gracious! We looked everywhere for that little girl! Finally, we got an unexpected phone call from some nice folks who explained everything. Turns out she was in China all this time. Who knew?

So after a momentary consult with the National Geographic World mega-map hanging in the living room, we could begin to see how this was going to work. At least how we think it's going to work. (That's another thing; This whole searching-for-your-kid journey is a humbling business that hammers home the bit about us not really being in control of much in the universe except ourselves.)

Expedition Julia goes something like this:
Shannon & Jim take Emma and Joshua from Denver to Seattle where they meet up with Grandparents Sandy & Jim Sr. (aka GrandSandy & Popeye!). From Seattle, all 6 of us will fly to Beijing. We're hoping to visit the Great Wall and the Forbidden City while we're there and some super nice folks have already offered to sell us some tickets to the closing ceremonies of the Olympics! (They were pricey but we were promised the seats are great! And to think that we had no idea the Beijing Olympics were even still going!?! Can't wait!!)

After Beijing, we travel to Zhengzhou (Jung-JOE), a city you've undoubtedly heard of, traveled to, and are intimately familiar with.
Or not.
In any case, this city is in the middle of China and this is where we will meet our sweet little Baby Julia!
After hanging out in Zhengzhou for the better part of a week, we head to Guangzhou (Gwang-JOE), a city in southern China with which you're all again completely familiar I'm sure.
The U.S. Consulate is in Guangzhou and this is where the colossal bureaucratic throw-down prize fight event of the entire adoptive process will occur, matching in one corner of the ring a post 9/11 TSA-Crazed U.S. State Department against the undisputed largest Communist Bureaucracy on Planet Earth in the other corner.

The end result of this is supposed to be that a Chinese born orphan baby girl of uncertain origin and estimated age is transformed into a fully fledged citizen of the USA at the moment she takes her first step onto American soil.
We'll keep you posted!


9th September 2010

Great Blog!
Jim, you are a FABULOUS writer. I enjoy your humor. So excited you are on this journey. I will be praying for attachment, health, and peace.
9th September 2010

Hi Campbells! This is SO cool. What an amazing story, and so well written! It's amazing that adoption was God's idea in the first place since we're all technically adopted into His family upon receiving the Lord Jesus as our Savior. What a beautiful opportunity we have to literally adopt those in need into our families. I'll be in prayer for you all as you proceed, for safe travels and no unexpected "blips" in your journey. And I can't wait to meet her! Blessings, Tira
9th September 2010

Jim and Shannon - what wonderful news and I love the blog - thanks for sharing your journey with us! We will be praying for all of you. Can't wait to hear more. we miss you all so much!!
9th September 2010

at last...
At last...I bet she can't even imagine the blessings to come...blessings for the whole family. We await the next chapter of the story!
10th September 2010

Its going to happen!!! yeah!!!
10th September 2010

Be blessed in your travels and adventures!
What a cool (blog) idea! Wishing you all safe and healthy travels. Hoping they will go smoothly and looking forward to hearing about all the fun and adventures that came your way while in China! And, we are of course EXCITED and can't wait to meet Julia!! You're in our prayers. Be Blessed in His Love! ~ Lisa, Mark, Madeline and Rebecca
11th September 2010

We are so excited to hear about your journey to Julia. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful adventure. And most of all, we can't wait for you to meet little Miss Julia! Our blessings...the DelGrandes.

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