Busy busy busy in Hong Kong

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August 29th 2010
Published: August 29th 2010
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Several... delicious food induced comas, traditional family meals, glasses of wine, spa treatments, shopping trips, bargaining attempts and tennis matches.... later, I have finallly settled back into HK life. It's been a busy week, especially trying to cram in 3 weeks worth of visits into just a week.

All is well here and am having a nice time. It is insanely hot and have been avoiding all places without air-conditioning. Apparently Shanghai is a good 10 degrees hotter - wonderful! How can anyone survive in 43 degrees heat???!!!

Leaving here on Tuesday evening... eek. Very nervous! Start work on Thursday, fingers crossed there are some nice foreigners that I can befriend, preferably someone who is a computer whizz and can get me on facebook!

Be in touch soon xxxxxxx


29th August 2010

Te va a ir super bien en tu trabajo !! te mando mucha buena vibra, ojalà alguien pueda ayudarte con facebook... tqm y éxitooo !! XX
29th August 2010

Te va a ir super bien en tu trabajo !! te mando mucha buena vibra, ojalà alguien pueda ayudarte con facebook... tqm y éxitooo !! XX

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