Bungy Pics

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August 17th 2010
Published: August 17th 2010
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I am writing this from Vancouver but the pictures are of NZ so I am saying this was written from NZ. Off to Seattle in the morning. Getting up early for an Amtrak experience. Harry and Thomas.

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Photos: 2, Displayed: 2


17th August 2010

hi linds Your trip sounds amazing I hope you are having a great time which you probably are!sorry not to have been in touch but our internet does not work very well in lymington. did you get any games or nintendo stuff in Japan? did you see a 3ds? what was bungee jumping like, did you get a wedgie? Do you like vancouver? did you eat cheesecake for breakfast? Where are you going to after seattle? we have been staying in lymington and tom says we have been picking raspberries and blueberries which we have! The Stillijes came to visit and we went kayaking and to the beach and saw karate kid- it's great! When are you back it would be great to see you . Alex
17th August 2010

well done aunty katy
hi i'm envious of you.i think your blogs are great. it all looks amazing. did you feel sick and dizzy after you bungy jumped . will you be exploring vancouver today. from sam
17th August 2010

hey linds, I could'nt believe what I read about the bungy jumping and I was thinking about it a long time hoping to see some pics...and now I'm just speakless. I was thinking about Thomas and Harry being frenzied, but that katy has done the jump to is hilarious!!! COOL! WELL DONE!!! Who else has done it???? Best for the rest of your trip! xxx Julia
19th August 2010

Hi Harry and Thomas I dont know you but I have enjoyed reading your blogs, I am in Australia and my family, husband and three kids are heading off to NZ for 3 weeks in september, hope you enjoy the rest of your trip it looks like you are having a great time cheers Carolyn Bedding
21st August 2010

4 out of 5 ain't bad
Hi Julia, Katy here! Actually all of us did the bungy apart from Honor, who didn't qualify, because she was under age (10) and under weight (35 kg). Harry actually only just qualified. He was 35.3kg at the weigh in, after a large meal the night before to get him up to fighting weight. The bungy was absolutely amazing and exhilarating. I'd recommend it to anyone, but probably best if done with the experts. I kept asking people at AJ Hackett, who did our bungy and who ran the original commercial bungy jump from the very spot that we did ours, what their safety record was. Everyone said 100%. I thought that was fine. And it really was! Hope all's great with you, and maybe we'll see you in London in Sept. Love, Katyx
21st August 2010

Awesome New Zealand!
Hello Sam! Aunty Katy here. The boys have finally let me see the blog, and get a chance to write a comment or two. Thank you for your congratulations on the bungy. It really was brilliant, bungy jumping. It'll be something for you to look forward to when you get a chance to come out and explore the South Island. We met quite a few British and other young people who were working in Queenstown, doing ski, bungy and jet boat related work, and even a few working in supermarkets but clearly all enjoying their months in NZ. We have been amazed at how incredibly good the New Zealanders are at keeping tourists happy - and providing the most amazing adventurous activities for them. You New Zealanders should be very proud of yourselves! Love, Aunty Katyx

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