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July 11th 2010
Published: July 12th 2010
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First, I think some of the other blog post were closed for some reason but they should be open and able to be read now

Friday we finished class about 12 and were on a bus to Banos by 12:30. It was not the most luxureous way to travel but we made it there for only 3 dollars! It was interesting, everytime we stopped at a light or something venders would come on the bus trying to sell the most terrible food. We made it to Banos at about 6 Friday. We were actually able to get a nice hotel, which I have pictures of. Friday night we ate dinner at an Italian place that was pretty good. At 9 we went on a party bus to the top of a moutain where we could see the volcano. It was too cloudy to see the volcano but was still alot of fun. After that we hung around the town and went back to the hotel. Saturday we woke up and went on a 25 mile bike ride (mostly downhill) to see all of the waterfalls around Banos. This was such an awesome site to see. We also stop and took a cable care across one of the mountains. After we did that we went and ate lunch then rented dirt bikes. As we were starting off, I got seperated from the group. I was unable to catch back up with the group so I wandered the countryside of Ecuador, on a dirtbike, by myself. This was one of the best times Ive had. Saturday night we ate at Casa de Hood which was very cheap and had awesome entertainment. Saturday night after dinner, we all sat on the roof of our hotel until we went to sleep. Sunday we woke up and rented dirtbikes again! This time I didnt get seperated from the group. After dirtbiking, we went to the market, then to a restaurant to watch the World Cup Final. It is cool to be in a country that cares this much about soccer. For the way home, we rented a private bus which was much more enjoyable.
Tomorrow morning I am waking up at 6 to go to the Universidad de San Fransico's research lab in the mountains. I will study freshwater fish in the Andes tomorrow because that is what I am doing my research paper on. Also, below this there should be a button that says subscribe. If anyone wants to do that, its free and all it will do is send you an email when I make a new post. If anyone has questions about anything let me know. I will post pictures from this weekend sometime tomorrow.

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 23


Active Volcano. Active Volcano.
Active Volcano.

Erupted once in May 2010

12th July 2010

I forgot to do spell check so sorry for typos.
12th July 2010

heart attack!
Are you trying to give me a heart attack! you rode the countryside by yourself............!?!?!?
13th July 2010

Awesome pictures. You got to take some of the Andes and the university during your fish research - very interesting stuff. Can't wait for another update. Looks like a lot of fun.
15th July 2010

Hmm.. Was this "bus" driven by a hippy??!! (I saw some FB pics)..

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