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July 2nd 2010
Published: July 2nd 2010
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I have been enjoying my time here in Lamia. The other day (not sure if I wrote about it) I went to a Greek concert. I can't remember who the band was but they were Great! They played in an outdoor stadium and we sat on the ground about 100 feet from the stage. They played for 3 hours NON STOP! The energy there was beauitful. My friend translated some of the songs and the lyrics were very moving. Towards the end of the concert the leader of the band told the people to come closer to the stage, by the end of the concert we were practically on stage! So cool, I don't think that would happen at home. It was a very intimate setting.

The following day we went to the Sea! A small beach called Saint George. There may have been 30 to 40 people there. The water was wonderful!!!!! There were people playing vollyball in the water, and they were also playing a game similar to tennis. The paddles look like an oversized ping pong paddle and they toss a tennis ball back and forth (there is an imaginary net). Very nice.

This brings me to yesterday. I met with some distant relatives. But first I will tell you that this city closes down at around 2:30 and doesn't open again until about 5! Its nap time!!! So while my friend was at work I visited with my relatives. They have a beautiful home up the hills of Lamia. They fed me salad, potatoes and green beans, we also had some ouzo (of course). They spend about 6 months of the year at there home here in Lamia and the rest of the time they live in Florida. For some reason it was a very emotional visit for me. It means a lot to me when I meet people who are part of where I came from and they were to gracious to have me in there home! I felt so much love. After we ate and talked my Thea and I walked to Saint Lucas. There is a church there and that is where my Thea Martha was married. We went in and lit a candle. Over the years they have developed this area with a resturant and bar area. It was very cool. And from this spot you could see all of Lamia! I didn't have my camera so I will have to go back to get some pictures. All in all it was an enjoyable afternoon/evening.

Well thats all for now! Until next time folks (to whoever reads this)

Hugs and Kisses


3rd July 2010

I read it!
I am truly enjoying reading your blogs....keep writing! It so makes me want to go to Greece, although I do not think there are any Iatrou relatives that we know of! Visiting family from where your family is from is AWESOME! Enjoy this wonderful adventure! Hugs! Beth
3rd July 2010

Thanks Beth!! Good to hear from you! One day you will make it here, it is really a wonderful place to be :)
9th July 2010

Great adventure
Dee, Love your blog! I've read the last several and am greatly joyed by your grand adventure. Keep it up! We do miss you. Went to the clergy-laity conference in Atlanta. Was very interesting but very tiring. Your mom and I are exhausted! I'm getting myself organized for the Seminary school and the Deaconate program. Should have my plans set in the next week. My love to you and all there. Dad
12th July 2010

Thanks Dad...I am trying to make the most of the time that I am here. Glad to hear about your plans for the Seminary school, hopefully it will be an experience that will speak to you. Miss you dearly love you!!!

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