first month video

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
June 24th 2010
Published: June 24th 2010
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 Video Playlist:

1: month 1 429 secs
here is a short film of our first month


8th August 2010

Found the Blog
Hi Berni and Jezz Fab to see your blog and adventures. Never heard you so talkative Jezz - you sound as if your really enjoying which i fab. Ur Bern - what happened to your big toe nail?????????? Keep the blogs going and email soon Bern. Be safe and love u both. T
21st February 2011

school video
This brought tears to my eyes! Steve and I are reading every entry...we miss Cambodia, Robin, and you guys so much! Wish we were meeting up again...We'll stay in touch...Love, K

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